Planning on replacing my IPC2 (with Intel HD 4400 Graphics) with an Airtop

Trying to avoid the normal set

  • PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
  • Temporal Dithering

Got PWM covered with my monitor but I'm starting to notice the screen is harder to view at home then a identical monitor at work.. I'll update once I get it. I presume with nvidia I can dodge the dithering (plus get gsync which is supposed to be good)

    Interesting. Good choice of CPU

    Well G-Sync only applies if you have a G-Sync monitor. Literally the only thing it does is limit your refresh rate without tearing (ie, in games and 3D movies) The only reason I brought it up is flicker free laptops (were) rare and by coincidence the technology was designed to be flicker free.

    Slacor Are you sure the differences you refer to between home and office aren't related to the general ambient of lightning? I certainly notice that the environment at my office tends to be better illuminated than what I have at home and that creates less contrast with my display, which is good -- I get less headaches than I would get with the same setup at home.

      a month later

      Finally got it. Set Dithering to Disabled through the Nvidia controls

      Also set Color Range to Limited as opposed to Full
      Not sure if there's any dithering in a Full Color Range?

      __528491__ We'll see what happens. To be honest though, The lighting was generally pretty similar

        Slacor I recomend Full color range. Limited is for TV's over HDMI and such

        You should be fine dithering wise with your graphics card and monitor.


        Just curious how this change is working out for you?

        I wonder if limited mode is setting the colors to 16-bit color depth instead of 32-bit color depth?
        Or do you have a setting somewhere else that lets you set the color depth?

          I've been holding off because I want to be sure how it's affecting me.
          As of right now, I feel like it's a significant improvement.
          I've been able to spend multi-hour sessions and be able to look away and not feel that familiar "washed out" feeling.
          Considering my previous gpu was a frequently named culprit of temporal dithering and nvidia specifically has it off, that does indicate dithering as negatively impacting me.

          I'm frequently checking. Unfortunately this is all extremely subjective and vague. To help this a bit:
          0 = no issue
          10 = worst possible

          • With PWM and dithering = 10/10 (it was this bad)
          • Without PWM, with dithering = 2-5
          • Without PWM or dithering = 1-3 (currently)

          (range is with shorter and extended periods of using the computer and obviously there are others factors at play)

          I'm hoping it decreases to 0-1, but it's only been a week 😉

          megaladon999 I wonder if limited mode is setting the colors to 16-bit color depth instead of 32-bit color depth?
          Or do you have a setting somewhere else that lets you set the color depth?

          I do not see a setting like this for color depth

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            Slacor Glad to hear

            I know of no laptops confirmed to have 100% no temporal dithering (as in the display not requiring FRC). Maybe Macbook Pro without Intel graphics or HP DreamColor without Intel graphics would be good as it's "less obvious" then the other forms of dithering.

            Will be interesting to see how this works with a 144hz TN panel 😛

            Thinking of a 4K IPS monitor >=27 inch but very pricey and I currently do not have a job 🙁

            Question maybe one of you can answer...

            If you have a laptop with a 6-bit panel that uses dithering to get to 16.2 million colors, are you effectively disabling dithering if you change your Color Depth on windows to 16 bit instead of 32 bit?

            Slacor I think you can set color depth in Xorg conf
