I've been holding off because I want to be sure how it's affecting me.
As of right now, I feel like it's a significant improvement.
I've been able to spend multi-hour sessions and be able to look away and not feel that familiar "washed out" feeling.
Considering my previous gpu was a frequently named culprit of temporal dithering and nvidia specifically has it off, that does indicate dithering as negatively impacting me.
I'm frequently checking. Unfortunately this is all extremely subjective and vague. To help this a bit:
0 = no issue
10 = worst possible
- With PWM and dithering = 10/10 (it was this bad)
- Without PWM, with dithering = 2-5
- Without PWM or dithering = 1-3 (currently)
(range is with shorter and extended periods of using the computer and obviously there are others factors at play)
I'm hoping it decreases to 0-1, but it's only been a week 😉
megaladon999 I wonder if limited mode is setting the colors to 16-bit color depth instead of 32-bit color depth?
Or do you have a setting somewhere else that lets you set the color depth?
I do not see a setting like this for color depth