Hi all! I have lots of problems with screens, that give me very bad eye strain. I have tried about 10 new laptops and 10 new external monitors, none worked. I use an 8 year laptop fully update (ram, ssd), that is comfortable for my eyes. I also have an iphone 5 for 4 years that give me terrible eye strain, until now... I have droped the iphone and brake the screen, so i bought a new screen from ebay for about $25. It is amazing, the eye strain is gone, it's night and day difference. Before after 5 minutes with iphone my vision became blurry and my eyes dry, now i can use the iphone for one hour and my vision don't get blurry and eyes feel very confortante.
My solution for the iphone 5 was to buy a new screen, a chinese cheaper one. Maybe this could be the solution for other smartphone models.
This was the screen i bought, but i think most iphone 5 screen that sell on ebay are from the same chinese manufacturer.