Has anyone here been diagnosed with vestibular migraine/visually induced dizziness, and been prescribed amitriptyline and had vestibular physiotherapy?
I’ve finally seen 2 neurologists who have both diagnosed this as the issue I’m experiencing leading to symptoms of nausea, fatigue,dIziness, light headedness. It’s also linked with visually induced dizziness/vertigo where we have an overeliance on visual stimuli for balance and need to either take meds to fill the visual cortex or undergo rehab to allow the vestibular system to play a role in balance again. They both say that they’ve had success with patients through taking the meds and the physiotherapy exercises and people are able to use devices again as a result.
They are not sure what about new devices that trigger it but have noticed people predisposed to this condition who were managing OK, get triggered by them- they suspect due to backlighting, pixels and all the issues discussed here.