My assumption is that it is not the LEDs, since I don't have any problems with blue light. Only flicker is a problem.
Of course I could be wrong and there is a completely new source of eye strain in the form of light spectrum. But I've tried all kinds of blue blocking and even polarizing sunglasses and none of those help.
I still suspect that the problematic panel is creating some form or temproal dithering or PWM type flicker that irriates my eyes, since it is exactly the same type of irritation.
It feels like the white parts of my eyes would be tingling and like some wind would be blowing, cooling and drying the white parts. But it cannot be dryness, since the feeling starts immediately when watching the display. For dryness to be the reason, it would take some time for it to kick in and moisturizing eye drops would mitigate this, but they do not.
My theory remais that some muscles in the eyes start to overwork due to the flicker (some kind of flicker) and the muscles start to need more blood supply, thus the blood vessels start get pumped, thus the eyes get red and irritated.