- Edited
Hello peeps,
What I see in this forum is that every problem/issue is individual and manifests differently for each person. This leads to chaotically shared problems or opinions which for the most part lack structure and follow up (unfortunately).
I am starting this thread with the hope that admins pin it and we can come back to it and have some kind of traceability and organization in our discussion.
What's this all about?
We all have different gear - CPUs, GPUs, MOBOs, monitors, different OSs, different perception (most importantly)! Consequently our conversations tend to get hectic and one might easily get lost in all the topics discussed.
That is why I think we need to focus on something that most of us have in common and is common ground for us all. I believe this to be GPUs as everyone of us is using one of 4 brands - NVIDIA, AMD, Intel ARC, Intel internal graphics.
And since I have a NVIDIA RTX 3080 12GB GPU, I will start sharing here my thoughts on new/old versions of the NVIDIA GPU drivers with regards to eye comfort. With that I would like to welcome all users of NVIDIA GPUs to share their thoughts on each driver version they find works best for their eyes and brains and which ones do not work so well or do not work at all*
*For a broader awareness on what's changing and what stays the same with each driver release you can check the release notes that NVIDIA provides with each version.
Please, let's discuss all things related to NVIDIA GPU drivers here!
I strongly encourage everyone to follow the below pattern when discussing each driver version:
- Begin with the NVIDIA GPU you are using and the platform (Intel or AMD)
- Then please provide your OS version and state of update i.e. Win11 - 21H2
- Continue with driver version i.e. GeForce Game Ready Driver, Version 527.56, Release Date: 08-DEC-22, OS: Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11
- Then proceed to give your general impression on the driver - driver works well (why you think so), doesn't work well (why you think so). Ideally it would be great if you could identify/pinpoint an exact issue with the particular driver version VS the same thing that was working well with a previous/newer driver version.
- At the end, please rate your discussed driver's "eye/brain comfort" on the scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being the worst (severe issues on eyes and/or brain) and 10 being the best (no issues on eyes and/or brain) - I fully realize that this will be a personal perception and opinion
I think this is a good starting point for NVIDIA GPU owners.
And with that I give you the stage
P.S. I will come back to this in a few days to see if this form of discussion is well met or not and eventually to tell you of my experience so far.
(small hint) Someone with AMD or Intel ARC can start their respective driver thread