Slacor Slacor, This forum has a very good UI, And i really appreciate the work you put into building this important community, but i believe the regular , page based forum will be more helpful to our goal - solving the display discomfort issue by sharing data.
And it's about infinite scrolling.
The forum isn't Google - able, because of infinite scrolling. So it's relatively hard to find the solutions that are already in there.
CTRL-F doesn't work well - because not all the page is there.
Links don't work well with the scrolling. Ideally, it would be easy to get a link to a specific comment, for example a comment where somebody has found a great phone/rom/display - and than maybe share it with migraine forums, maybe put it in the wiki, etc. But even just a link to a page + user so you could control-f it would work.
Does it make sense ?