JTL I hate Samsung mostly because of the screen. The same feeling as yours.

I've got a LG LGL34C for about a year now and haven't had any issues with it. Dunno if it's fast or not but it's usable... so that's good enough for me!

  • JTL replied to this.

    Slacor Heh. I had a LG-C55 about four years ago running Android 2.2. Think was laggy as crap but it didn't use PWM, took 10 seconds to open the dialer, etc.

    9 days later

    Did anyone try the BlackBerry Leap?

    I use an iPhone 4s and I hate it 🙁 It gives me instant eye strain + headaches.
    Its original OS (I don't remember which one it was) seemed a lot better than the new updated ones. I wish I could revert it back to how it was.. but oh well.

    Yes, that is true. I had to downgrade my iPhone 4 to iOS 6 because on iOS 7.1.2 I got severe eye strain and headaches. I switched back and forth several times to be sure.
    I think there is a newer hack tool that allows you to downgrade iPad 2 and iPhone 4s to iOS 6.1.3. I read about it in reddit's jailbreak section. I believe it is called something like Odysseus. But I can not guarantee that it is safe to use and free of malware.
    I think iOS 5 was the original OS.

      5 days later

      Also I might be able to go to a phone store soon with my fast shutter speed DSLR to test for flickering in newer smartphones.

      Also people on my family also own, alongside the Samsung's I mentioned.

      • LG Nexus 5
      • iPhone 6s (I don't like iPhone's 😛)

      will test those later.

      I tried the BlackBerry Leap now. It is not the worst LED device I ever used, but it still starts to hurt a little after 1-2 minutes. At night the minimum brightness is a little too bright for me.

      I just found this website:

      It lists the minimum brightness of a lot of phone models. A value of around 5 nits (nit = cd/m²) is very good for reading at night without ambient lighting, which I know from my usable monitor, iPhone, and iPad.
      Probably not everyone needs a very low minimum brightness (in addition to other factors), but if you do, this list might prevent bad buys.

      Please let me know if you get a chance to test the iPhone 6s. It would be much appreciated!

      I have the HTC One M8 and it on the lowest brightness level + the brightness lowered further with the max lowering settings on the "Twilight" app. It is very easy on the eyes this way. I do not know if it is PWM free, but someone on the Apple thread said it was. I will try and dig up the post.

      • JTL replied to this.

        degen Do you have an adequate camera with adjustable shutter speed to check?

        I do, but I don't know what to look for.

        • JTL replied to this.

          Nexus5 PWM test is in

          It passes 😃

          Filmed at 1/4000 shutter speed until 00:40 and iSO6400


            This is so horrible:
            I recently bought a BlackBerry Z10, it was perfectly usable, no eye strain at all for hours. Then I upgraded the OS to the latest version, and right after the initial boot I got burning eyes and very strong eye strain. I looked if I can downgrade the OS - no, it's not possible. It was possible for years, but not anymore with this latest version. This is just horrible. Such a luck at first, and now it's all gone.

              KM Really? Not even through unbrick firmware flash?

              Not sure what that means. Over at BlackBerry and CrackBerry forums they all say after you upgraded to OS 10.3.2.*, you can't go back. I tried old Autoloaders, but they didn't work (as they said).
              It's history repeating - we had the same trouble with some versions of iOS 7.

              • JTL replied to this.

                KM Alright, did some research and looks like not much you can do. Something about a OS BlackList with possibly "write-once memory"


                Try and return/sell device if possible.
