The processor is irrelevant except that it usually has integrated graphics. If you're using a discrete card the processor has absolutely no bearing. Switching to AMD involves swapping the motherboard, usually. Which means a new chipset and a whole mess of drivers. I'd recommend against it, and keep your i7 which is fine. Just use a good nVidia card from a known good generation. Any 7x0 will be fine or an old 9x0.

Installed Debian 8 Jessie. and running 375 driver WITH Nvidia 1050. Its so much better than Ubuntu. I think for me Ubuntu and Windows are the problem. potentially not Nvidia (at least I am hoping. I realize people here have told me different but I hate to think I can't use the most current architectures in GPU's). I have not tried Windows 7 but i am dreading trying to use that as a daily driver. I think I am going to try Fedora next. I may try Arch linux.

Also I took the blue screen filters off of both my screen and my phone and it actually helped. Especially when looking at one from the other. It lessoned the temple sensations/itching and the "crawlies' i feel around my eye.

  • JTL replied to this.

    JTL thanks, It definitely does help. I changed it to none and typing text is such a better experience. I feel like photons are not being lobbed at my eyes in a way they cant handle. so much better. Great input!!!

    • JTL replied to this.
    • JTL likes this.

      Wrightpt1 No problem. Should probably have none set as a default because of modern LCD tech and what not.

      Got the 970 today. Installed the most update Nvidia drivers on Linux Mint and it is soo much better. Not quite perfect but its def a different story. So crazy.

      I may try a 1070 or Radian 580 just to see how my eyes react.

      I am also installing Linux Parot to see how that works with my eyes. But just want to say thanks to everyone for providing input that the MSI GTX 970 will allow for one to get intimate with the screen again.

      Be well.

      I am also getting a different lighting setup. My current lights are DC constant voltage leds. I am getting constant current leds to see if that helps any as well.
