Hi , Just want to share, turning off font smoothing helps a bit using this line of code and restarting machine afterwards:

defaults -currentHost write -g AppleFontSmoothing -int 0

I hope it helps a bit someone else too.


There are many posts about this setting in this forum. I've been using this for multiple years now, note on few occasions after major OS upgrade this setting got reversed, so need to recheck if after each upgrade. I have this alias in my bash profile 😃
alias aa="defaults -currentHost read -g AppleFontSmoothing"

"0" disables font smoothing # reduces my strain, tho with some external monitors on high resolution it might render them very bad
"1" enables light font smoothing
"2" enables default medium smoothing
"3" enables strong smoothing.

In my experience, using a Mac Mini with a Benq GW 2280, turning off font smoothing, or using new-style font smoothing, makes it painfully hard for me to read text.

Switching the color scheme for better contrast, and reducing the resolution, helps some but not as much as old-style font smoothing.

Your mileage may vary.

    19 days later

    Ananiujitha I have heard that when it comes to external screens - color profile selection is very important and also possible switching off dithering may help. But first and foremost, I would google this monitor to see the credentials in terms of flicker.
