arturpanteleev Dear Artur, I am so happy for you! And I hope these problems will stay away from you forever. I am also suffering from modern screens. Everything using OLED, Dithering or PWM is killing me. I can only use a laptop with nightlight. Also, I found e-Ink Screens to cause less strain. Even with this my eyes are blootshed, itchy, and I suffer from headaches. 15 minutes of OLED cause almost unbearable pain in the back of my head and around my eyeballs. Apple screens seem particularly harmful.
When I was at my lowest I also started covering one eye, but the weak one because this one hurt more. I shall cover the dominant one.
Another thing really helped me: INFRARED LIGHT GOGGLES (eyemask from Thermrup) or WARMING GOGGLES (eyemask). I use it 15-30 minutes each day and then massage the upper lid (from outside inwards) and the lower lid (from inward to outside), 30 circles each. This helps the dryness and the headaches.
Good health to all of you.