yeah thats right. But the problem is that not all of us are suffering from the same problems. Nearly all of us mentionend different issues and problems in our welcome area.
But we need a word different than the harmless "eye strain".
Well of course there are some fixes and ideas. But there's always: ....this works for me, but not for others....
Also I think currently that the theories about PWM are'nt right. More precisely I think that PWM is not the only reason for the problems.
You meant that there's already a variety of fixes. I don't think so. Nearly all your mentioned points are at most just ideas and assumptions. There was never a person who said: ....this was my problem and after this fix I haven't any eyestrain and headache any more.
Hm. Good Idea with the wiki. I think an overview of our ideas and theories would be very interesting and helpful for people. Why not just adding this to this website?
Well the greatest problem is getting information from manufacturers. Let's say temporal dithering is really the problem. Than we have to ask the question which kind of dithering is ok and which kind of dithering is harmful for us. Same on the PWM side. I hope you understand what I mean.