These are in order..

iPhone 11

iPhone 12 Max with LCD Screen replacement

Macbook Air


So I ordered a microscope with the intention of seeing if each of my smartphones had temporal dithering or not, and was struck by the different ways the individual pixels are structured.

They all seem to have some 'shimmering' indicating temporal dithering, but the iphone 12 Pro Max arrangement is much more 'wonky' than the iPhone 11 or the Macbook Air.

(I can use the iPhone 11 and Air all day long with no issues, whereas the 12 Pro Max with replacement LCD gives me symptoms almost immediately).

The Mi11 looks totally different again and I couldn't detect any 'shimmering' (again this is fine for me) - I'm guessing this is the AMOLED 'DotDisplay' sometimes mentioned in reviews?

Thanks for sharing @markdotpeters5. Curious what microscope you used? A slow-motion video might also be useful for research.

Are all those screens LCD (not OLEDs)?
