i was using a led with white light -i think it was 6k or 6.5k- and it was causing lot of eye strain to me so i changed it to a warm color led with 3000k temperature, i fell better but i'm still having eye strain from it. so what can the problem be?

do led bulbs fliker? if yes: how to know the flikering rate of the lamp? and what is the best choice of led bulbs for eyes health?

  • KM replied to this.

    dzwdev yes, LED bulbs do flicker. Even the ones advertised as "flicker-free" actually do measurably flicker. You can measure it with the methods discussed here: https://ledstrain.org/d/312-homemade-oscilloscope-to-detect-pwm-diy-guide

    It could also be you are susceptible to WHITE LED. If that's the case, and no one else than yourself can be sure, changing to a different LED technology could help. Though I've yet to see anything other than White LED in the market for LED bulbs that is actually available for end users.

      KM "changing to a different LED technology could help"

      different LED technology like what for example?

      • KM replied to this.

        dzwdev basically anything that is "RGB" (Red, Green Blue) of some kind. So that its spectrum vastly differs from the White LED spectrum. RGB OLED (not White OLED), Quantum dots (violet-based, not White-LED-based), maybe even CCFL lamps if flicker is not a problem. These have in common that the spectrum consists of 3 narrow lines (Red, Green, Blue). Other options are the good old Tungsten wire bulb or gas-discharge lamps*, which can have all kinds of narrow spectrums.

        *(Again, if flicker is not a problem or if the personal flicker problem can be solved by using high frequencies.)

        I'm still waiting for the violet/purple LEDs that were a few years ago in some articles praised as the potential successor to White LED technology for room lighting, but I haven't heard of it since.
