Keep in mind that the Opple still has limitations compared to higher end oscilloscopes as used by others on this forum. I have found these screens better for me compared to previous 60hz display and that changing to a high refresh rate mode on these displays changes or perhaps reduces the pixel level flicker and all this without using any software "hacks" or relying on outdated drivers and operating systems.
For video capture of pixel level changes, it would be nice if one had access to those specialized mega-buck high speed cameras. Another alternative is to use sites like these.
Still hopeful for future tech?
"Real life has no frame rate. Frame rates and refresh rate are an artificial digital image-stepping invention of humankind (since the first zoetropes and first movie projectors) that can never perfectly match analog-motion reality. … Also, real life has no flicker, no strobing and no BFI."
"However, the ultimate displays of the distant future will fully eliminate motion blur without strobing. The only way to do that is ultra-high frame rates & refresh rates."
"1000 Hz displays are still expected to arrive this decade"
I do hope the RLCD products can also help with dithering and pixel inversion not just backlight flicker but that remains to be seen.