My 2017 13 inch MBP without Touch Bar shows dithering is disabled by default running Catalina 10.15.7 (19H2026). This laptop running this OS doesn't bother me.
The output is:
2022-11-02 16:04:11.497027-0400 0x3cd Default 0x0 0 0 kernel: (AppleIntelKBLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][INFO ] [Modeset] Dither is disabled with bpc 1
The ioreg command listed above doesn't show much, but manually searching the output text file of ioreg -lw0 for IODisplayEDID shows a value of 1552 for my DisplayVendorID key. I don't know which vendor that is.
The system profiler output for this display is:
Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640:
Chipset Model: Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640
Type: GPU
Bus: Built-In
VRAM (Dynamic, Max): 1536 MB
Vendor: Intel
Device ID: 0x5926
Revision ID: 0x0006
Metal: Supported, feature set macOS GPUFamily2 v1
Color LCD:
Display Type: Built-In Retina LCD
Resolution: 2560 x 1600 Retina
Framebuffer Depth: 24-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
Main Display: Yes
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Automatically Adjust Brightness: No
Connection Type: Internal