Plsnostrain no problem thanks for that info! If you don't mind please share with us which model tv and monitor you use for gaming on those systems.
A little confused
I have something very interesting for you guys. I ran some tests on a Samsung cfg70 monitor. It uses a VA panel and is supposedly from all reputable sources a true 8 bit panel. The tests I ran for dithering are and
Now here's the interesting part. I ran those patterns on the Playstation 4, Playstation 3, Nintendo switch and Xbox one. All consoles except for Xbox one showed a smooth image. Only the Xbox one showed banding. I opened these tests in the consoles respective browsers. My monitor was set in the sRGB mode with default settings. The consoles were also set with proper setting such as color space and color depth. Interesting thing is Xbox one specifically let's me pick 8 bit color depth and it still is showing banding. I don't know if the cfg70 is not a true 8 bit panel or the Xbox one is at fault or the other consoles are using dithering. Thoughts?
I think you're at the mercy of the ATI chipset there. Also MS rolls out new updates to Windows 10 to the XBox hardware, and we know that they've screwed around with compositing. I too have noticed more banding lately on newer games, while at the same time increased eyestrain, even though my XBox and my TV are both set for wide color gamut and my panel accepts true 8-bit (it's an LG 60" Plasma, the last one they made...)
No, sorry if I wasn't clear. Banding is SPATIAL, and it's definitely either in the hardware or the software. The TV is definitely NOT the source.
Undoubtedly, yes. I don't think it's related, really.
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@Gurm I literally just walked up to my plasama and spend a few minutes just staring at the pixels walking across the screen like you described. Thought it was kind of neat, no discomfort at all. Lots of interesting "effects" up close actually lol, not a clean display at all but yet it is completely comfortable.
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So I'm still not understanding guys lol... Xbox one or ps4 set to display at 8bit and the games more than likely are encoded to 8bit hooked up to a true 8bit monitor, even with Radeon chipsets forcing dithering what is there to dither?
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JTL from what I understand dithering is used to replace missing colors correct? If the source is 8 bit why would the chipsets in consoles force dither? Even if it is set to on by default there's nothing to dither right? What is it going to dither a 8 bit source to a 8 bit colors? Doesn't add up to me. Say the source was 6bit then it makes sense that some sort of dithering is used to simulate higher bit depth. I don't think any modern games are encoded outside of 24bit true colors, aside from hdr capable games, as that has been the standard for a long time.
The other source of temporal dither can be a monitor that's not true 8 bit being fed a source that is 8bit.
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Found something interesting... If this is true and I'm understanding it correctly ps4 is truly 10bit than a true 10bit would disable dithering?
Edit: probably not accurate info on that site.. Ps4 must be native 8bit
Link We are as confused as you. Why does the ATI chipset force dithering on 8 bit displays? Unknown. Why does the Macbook output force dithering on 8 bit displays? Unknown.
We are pretty confused by it, but it's pretty obvious to see. Get REALLY close to a solid color image (like the grey desktop background) on an OSX system, on ANY display, and you'll see the pixels shimmering. It's 100% on all the time and it's inexplicable.
Could it be possible to just use like hdmi 1.2 or something, a older hdmi that doesn't even support higher colors being sent? Would that help?
Link XBox360 and PS3 were flawless for me in any display mode on any display. I am not sure what to expect from XBox one X, it might be great or it might be 10x worse. But I have a hunch it might be better, since it can do real 4k HDR and it can downsample higher resolution higher framerate games better than the original Xbox One.