Gurm do you intend to test the xbox one x?

reaganry isn't everything specific right now to 8bit? As long as you have a true 8bit display?

If temporal dithering is a problem... Couldn't we test it out by just setting the color on a display to zero, essentially rendering the screen black and white?

  • JTL replied to this.

    Link I only see such a thing causing problems. There isn't a way to mask dithering, short of possibly a higher PPI display, and higher PPI displays have other implications such as having on-screen items too small. And no one knows if said chip in the cable does dithering of it's own either.

    It'd be interesting to hear if anyone has any experience with something like the nvidia shield pro which has the same Tegra x1 chip as the Nintendo switch. It allows to stream certain games from the cloud also. Or something like the OUYA which has a Tegra 3.

    5 months later

    degen I haven't read this whole thread yet but wanted to share that everything posted here is very interesting. I own 4 plasma TV's and have had PS4, PS2, Wii, Original XBox and for years had a computer hooked up to it with multiple operating systems. I was so frustrated with LED just being too complicated that when I used a plasma I never have eye pain. No matter what operating system I had installed Ubuntu/Lubuntu/Win XP/Win 7 / Win 10 / Mint I never had issues. I have a BenQ GW2270 that I bought 1 month ago it seems if I wear SCT orange glasses I can use it. I was playing a game on the computer a couple of weeks ago for six hours as long as I had the glasses on I was fine. Windows 10 was installed. The moment I take the orange glasses off It starts to get to me. LED is just insane I want to buy more plasma TV's🙂

      jasonpicard You're the only one I can think of here that seems like your issues are blue-light sensitivity. Everyone else seems to be blaming dithering. So I'm a minority-within-a-minority here =(

        MagnuM yeah I think it's blue light and flicker. I'm not 100 percent certain but it seems when I put SCT orange glasses on I can usually tolerate pwm free devices.

          jasonpicard I bought a flicker-free BenQ LED and still had immediate back-of-the-eye pain when looking at it, but I didn't try any blue-blockers with it. Still though, I would rather use CCFL backlits, as I only get similar symptoms if I crank the brightness levels up (and it takes a lot longer to set in too)


            MagnuM I find the blue light issue feels the same as flicker. That is what I get unless I put the SCT orange on.

            MagnuM for some random reason I can use my OLED phone without orange glasses but my BenQ I need orange glasses. It may be due to spectrum issues. OLED produces more red light. Which is the healing light and more easier to process.

              MagnuM that's good news. I was wondering the same thing with the OLED TV's. They cost too much at the moment. Plasma TV's off of Kijiji right now are 200-400 dollars. I bought one about two months ago for 180.

                Can you use the plasma as a monitor? I mean as far as lag and text clarity? I have a top of the line BenQ flicker free and still get quite sever headaches with very little use.

                  ShivaWind I have a BenQ it seems if I wear the SCT orange Goggles I'm fine with it. They are super cheap on Amazon you should try them if you haven't already.

                    I am currenly using 2 13 inch black and white monitors that cost $1000 each, so the sky is pretty much the limit for what I would do to be able to use technology without cripling headaches. the flicker on mouse move is the one that still gets me. its like there is a cone of flicker that extends down and to the right from the mouse pointer.

                      jasonpicard Why bother with LED computer monitors if you have to wear colored glasses just to use them? Why not reduce your exposure by using a CCFL.

                      Also, do you ever do any color-sensitive work that you can't have color-shifting occur on (web page design, photography, etc)

                        ShivaWind Have you ever tried any of the exercises recommended for "See Sick Syndrome"? Try Googling it and see if it seems to match your description.

                          tried CCFL no go. The black and white is fine, but I use a lot of coding videos rather than reading the documentation (I guess I could be less lazy) and color coded python, Java, etc is soo nice.

                          They do, but I don't want to mask symptoms if they are creating issues in other physiology. I am convinced the issue is neural entrainment. the LED incapacitator can cause similar issues, and its mechanism of pathology is supposedly entrainment (though its hard to find research because its still classified)

                          • JTL replied to this.

                            ShivaWind (though its hard to find research because its still classified)

                            I could probably make one in an hour with an Arduino board I have. Only hard part is sourcing enough horrible blue LED's and a diffuser.

                              It's only a matter of time before light induced harm is used as malware, if its not already.

                              welp, I have access to an EEG, if you build it I could hook myself up and you could zap me and see what my brain does... If that aint science I don't know what is

                              MagnuM I find ccfl just as bad. Lucky for me I don't have to work on a computer all day. Almost all ccfl's use pwm. Actually up to about a month ago I wasn't even using a computer. I was only using my cell phone. I'm waiting for that clear ink technology to come out. Or maybe e ink will speed up and become cheaper. Nothing is better to my eyes then reading my Yotaphone 2 in the sun. If that onyxmax book pro was cheaper I would be interested. I was considering buying it but reviews aren't the greatest on it.

                                never used the Boox Max 2, but I have Dasung paperlike Pros, and they are a life saver. The speed is great, and looks to be much better than Boox Max 2, but I cant be sure. I pretty much only use Eink at this point. I was going to have to change career before I got them.

                                  ShivaWind I looked around for them, they are hard to obtain and are quite expensive for 13in screen. Do they work with everything? Like all win 10 version, all different graphics cards etc... you just plug it into anything that has hdmi and the headache is gone?

                                    ShivaWind I saw a review comparing the Dasung and book Max 2 and it looked like the book Max 2 was faster. Either way whatever works at this point. I was going to buy both at one point but I'm going to wait a little bit longer. The clear ink will be killer if it comes out. 33 fps and color no back light. Capable of playing video easily.

                                      JTL The people who make LED billboards seem to have an endless supply of horrible blue LED's. A couple in my town have had to be taken down because they caused REGULAR people to have accidents, this is a neural weapon.

                                      • JTL replied to this.

                                        jasonpicard The clear ink will be my literal dream. I'd still have to contend with ambient lighting, but just putting an incandescent bulb or daylight on an ink screen is my DREAM.

                                          Gurm yeah I hope this clear ink actually happens. Supposed to be 3rd or 4th quarter of this year.

                                          It is a total solution. It's just HDMI as long as you have the Pro or HD (not yet available outside of china). plug it in to HDMI and it works just like any other monitor as far as performance, though there are only 16 shades of gray. there are different gray scales to choose from by pressing a button, and you usually need to do that when watching a video that is dark. I don't know if ClearInk will work for me or others who have a problem with flicker, but I will try it. the set and hold aspect of Eink is what makes it flicker friendly, Clearink is just LCD with a mirror instead of a backlight (and stacked pixels rather than sub pixels) the stacked rather than sub-pixel arrangement makes it worth a try. I will make a post about the Dasungs, because for me it put me back in the game. If I switch from my Benq to the Dasung, its an immediate release behind my eyes. If I stay away from LCD for and entire day, I'm like a new man. The problem for me is the headache is delayed. I can feel that I am causing it, but it kicks in the next morning, sometimes so bad I can't get out of bed. This has never happened when using only Eink. the Eink acts as a sort of Flicker Scope, allowing you to see where the flicker in the video image is occurring, because it refreshes slow enough to capture FRC and other sources of flicker.
