• Abstract
  • Severe Brain Fog from Using Electronics - Seeking Help

evthelegend Some people have good enough hearing that they can hear coil hum, or even the high frequency sound some IC chips can produce that's why I suggested the earplugs as an experiment just to see if blocking sound changed anything.

    4 months later

    qb74 What qb74 said is true. I had a chinese power strip connected to a powerful desktop PC for 4 years. Bad combination… It had no grounding (fake grounding because it's chinese) so every time I was near my PC, I had severe brain fog and my immune system got worse over time. Was thinking I was slowly dying. Actually insane that this is even possible.

      Akuhana yea its most def a factor and symptoms might even come from a combo of everything but I don't think its the main cause because even from far away symptoms are there and when I close my eyes it goes away, my daily (m3 air) suposedly also has low emf tooo
