I’m looking for current recommendations for reading/studying devices. I recently found myself having to study some material for an opportunity at work, and of course all of the study materials are digital. I could print them out, but the amount of material is significant, plus I want to be prepared for similar situations in the future.

In the past I utilized an iPad as an e-reader, but since my eye strain began this no longer seems like a good option. After looking at screens the whole day for my 9 to 5 job, my tolerance threshold for backlit screens is already met or exceeded, and I really cannot tolerate adding more screen time after-hours.

I am interested in e-ink tablets, especially larger ones close to the size of a sheet of paper (since the study material is split into pages in PDF format). LED tablets with very low-strain backlights may also work. Ideally, the reader should be able to access and download the materials using a web browser (whether Android-based or otherwise). I am also curious if anyone has found a good text-to-speech solution for studying, especially one with flexible support for various possible layouts of content on the page.
