• Lighting
  • Light sources and their implications

We all have heard the rhetoric supporting the indisputable greatness of led lights, however, the information presented is quite perverted in many ways, such as in the long life and the ecological key points.

We all know led bulbs are almost entirely made of plastic, with the exception of the integrated circuits and semiconductors made of rare earths, so exactly what part of their physical existence is ecological? led's are anything but sustainable, that key point cannot be farther from the truth, because in comparison to incandescent bulbs which are made almost entirely of glass and metal, with materials that are abundant in nature and disintegrate easy, makes them the champions of eco-friendliness, so exactly what physical part of incandescent bulbs makes them not desirable?

People pay for quality food, and some even a premium for their dietary religious alignments, such as kosher and halal foods. So if people are allowed to spend extra money for digestible energy of better quality, why in many countries now are people not allowed to pay extra for visible light energy of better quality? Since when do we expect something good for a cheap price?

If it costs more to have quality light so whats wrong with that? People are allowed to buy luxury cars and big TV's without any prohibition on their energy consumption, if they can pay for it they are allowed to have what they want, but not incandescent bulbs, and the classic response of being so inefficient because so much of their light comes out as invisible infrared comes…So let me know if I got this right, governments are telling you that because you cannot see the infrared spectrum of incandescent bulbs, then they are not worthwhile, because if most electrons that go inside the incandescent bulb come out as invisible infrared frequencies, then that makes them inefficient and should be banned right? So if that's the reasoning, then we should all get continuous receipts for what the government spends our taxes in, because is the same principle, its energy that we put in and we should all see the entire government spending of our units of energy visible with our eyes, measured with the same rigidity of energy accountability as incandescent bulbs, otherwise most of those units of energy that we give are invisible to us.

Am I missing something in the picture that makes incandescence light prohibition make sense? and if there isn't, then we need receipts to evaluate if government spending of our units of energy is more inefficient to begin with.

Er, the climate changing due to human recklessness is happening right now and the last thing we need is more energy being used by idiots bemoaning sensible government policy, ‘eye health’ be damned. The threats to public health posed by climate change are far greater. I would ban luxury cars and larger screened TV’s too if I could. We don’t need such vulgar things.


    I think the very first priority we need is good incandescent light for good eye health to begin solving our problems correctly, because we mainly operate visually, and more so in this digital age, so if we have come this far in our technological achievements by the blood and sweat of our efforts, then I think we are entitled to have some quality of life, if not, then we are definitely doing something very wrong, and need to stop immediately and shift direction, because then all this progress and efficiency cult is making us miserable.

    I live in a cold-weather climate, so infrared heat is fine 8 months of the year.

    Infrared light is beneficial to our cells, here is a nice video about the therapeutic properties of infrared light https://youtu.be/3cWmH2yW3qs

    and its precisely the kind of light that people in cold-weather places need, because in these places people are around electric light sources for most of the year, and its precisely where this kind of light is prohibited, coincidence or design? Nevertheless, you are responsible for your health, and are free to choose your path, regardless of other people's will and reasoning. People can say whatever they want, what people see as truth is up for grabs, and has always been this way, its ultimately up to you to choose your path and light.
