For me the only streaming device that doesn't mess up my TV is PS5. (with HDR off)
Apple TV 4K is unusable for me, even with the same RGB mode, color range, streaming app / TV show etc. Xfinity X1 cable box also causes some issues, not as bad as Apple TV though. But PS5 "just works" for me.
On Apple TV it feels like everything is a blur of colors and I can't tell what's going on in the show, and my eyes have intentionally refocus every time there is a jump cut to a new scene, and whenever an actor is really close up to the camera they become even blurrier and it hurts my eyes
On PS5, with the same show and TV, I can follow all of the action, don't feel like I have to refocus anymore, and the picture appears "flatter" for me, and close-up scenes no longer feel weird
Even a modern LG OLED can actually become surprisingly decent for me with PS5, as long as all of the processing options in the TV's settings are turned off