So, I will write my research here, all the things that I discovered and tried on myself

so the first thing I will describe is my medical history

I hope my information will be useful to you.

At first I used a Samsung SyncMaster 205BW monitor, very good - everything was fine for many years.

But a blue line appeared on the monitor and I decided to replace it with a Samsungs24d300h

then for 7 years I used a Samsungs24d300h monitor which I didn't like, it was unpleasant for my eyes, but I tolerated it (it was a huge mistake)

until one day my eyes started to hurt and I started seeing double.

For 1 year and a half I completely stopped using the monitor at all.

I worked in a physical and active job (as a loader and street cleaner). Surprisingly, all the symptoms went away and this is what helped me (will be described in the section what helped me).

I began to notice that it was very pleasant for me to look at distant objects and clouds, unlike the monitor, and the wind also helped.

Plus, since the work was very active

my blood supply improved, which seemed to cure my eyes. for a while.

and I relaxed again and made the same mistake. This was the first time I had dry eye syndrome, but I did not recognize it then.

while I was working, my vision gradually returned to normal, double vision and pain gradually went away, and then I began to feel normal).

So I worked for 1 year and a half.

Then I changed jobs again and returned to using a monitor and decided to buy a Philips 242v8 monitor. Thinking it doesn't flicker.

Hoping that I had solved the problems and completely forgotten about the problem with my eyes (believing in my health and thinking that it was just eye strain)

At first my eyes were very comfortable, the display didn't cause any unpleasant sensations, unlike the Samsungs 24d300h.

I hoped that the Philips 242v8 would solve these problems forever and doesn't flicker, how wrong I was!

At first everything was fine, but then after 8 months my eyes started hurting again (not much)

But then it got worse. And I didn't understand what was going on.

Because I checked the monitor before buying it with different tests and thought that everything was fine with it.

I started looking for the reason and for a long time I didn't understand that it was the monitor.

Until it got really bad (by that time they were already hurting, but it was very unclear).

This went on for quite a long time.

Until I bought myself glasses against blue light. Then I realized that it was because of the monitor, but I thought how come it doesn't flicker (SPOILER. IT FLICKS HORRIBLY!)

I hoped that it would pass, I started taking long breaks and

looking for a solution, but then it suddenly got really bad, blood vessels burst in both eyes.

And that was only the beginning.

and only when the vessels came out (in the form of lines) I started to think about the flickering and stopped using it for a while and found out that I have dry eyes.

since then I have limited my computer use to very rare

total time of using Philips 242v8 1 year 5 months.


then I got tired of it - to endure the pain and began to actively search for information with interruptions because my eyes hurt a lot

but then I found some relief in using a monitor that was bad, but still less harmful (I tried to use Samsung s24d300h, clearly understanding that it would be harmful and, lo and behold, it became easier for me, but not much and then I realized that the matter was in something else. Probably in flickering and suddenly I came across a site about flickering.

I checked, but with an unusual test, but with a matrix test

and I decided to check 3 monitors

I found that Philips 242v8 did not flicker almost anywhere except the green channel, there the flickering was just terrible (I wanted to throw it in the dump, but decided to leave it in order to try to figure out what it was and how to fix it)

then I checked Samsung s24d300h (it flickered almost everywhere, but weaker (now I realized that the pain in the eyes is precisely from the flickering).

then I checked the old Samsung SyncMaster 205BW monitor, the softest for the eyes, did not flicker in any test, but alas, I had to throw it away.

since then I have been actively looking for solutions.

this is only part of the information, later when I have the opportunity, I will publish more.

now I can use the monitor very limitedly.
