Out of curiosity, has anyone ever met anyone else in person with the issues we suffer from here? Or perhaps more importantly, how about doctors who have ever treated someone with these issues?
I've never met anyone in person who suffers from it. I've been to MANY doctors at this point and so far none of them have ever heard of this including some pretty specialized doctors. I'd love to find at least one doctor somewhere who has seen this before. (I'm in central North Carolina in the US)
(For context, "issues" for me are that I can't seem to use any modern OLED phone, most/all LCD phones on the newest operating systems, most computers on updated versions of Windows 10 and so far no computers on Windows 11. Also the screens in many new cars. On most bad screens my symptoms come literally within seconds and can last hours after a brief exposure. Strange nausea/dizzy feeling, pressure in my ear/head, body warmth, increased adrenaline feeling, and sometimes pain in my arm and even weird feeling in my chest)