MagnuM I agree with that. We can for sure prove it causes people trouble sleeping at night.
Name for our condition and wikipedia page
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Learning to cope or not, wiki page or wikipedia page will be of help. Sometimes you just need to annoy certain people long enough to get attention and response. I am not giving up. I am also not gonna be subject to work inability only because some OS decided to update itself without my permission and all of a sudden causes me migraines.
So how about subliminal flicker sensitivity syndrome then? I can try starting it on regular wikipedia and see how that goes.
There also MUST be a way to tell exactly what went different inbetween different versions of intel drivers. The intel thread is growing more and more. It just needs more pressure.
martin What about using a lossless capture card with the display output (i.e on a desktop) to check for any flickering frame by frame?
@AgentX20 is referring to something else, but I still suspect it's an interaction between possibly his GPU and the flight simulator software.
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martin Nice initiative
martin dont believe my problem is CVS, do you?
I agree. Depending on the computer I am given at work I can stay 15 hours a day in front of the display without problem or go crazy after seconds.
And headache is not really the main problem for me. That sounds a medium-term consequence.
Sticky eyes, difficulties with eye mobility and change of focus / direction, cervical pain, loss of concentration, and various other psychological consequences...including anxiety from not understanding causes and not being able to identify solutions. And what about the burden of having to fight to find a smartphone or a laptop when everyone else just buys what he likes or what he can afford? I am so fed up of visiting stores or blindly purchasing items online to re-sell them half price. Not to mention hearing: have you tried to reduce the brightness? Or to take a break once in a while? Do not forget to breath :-(
MagnuM I would suggest "LED Allergy" as a potential name
I too called it allergy many times. I cannot think of a better term to describe how instantaneously my symptoms develop, similarly to pollen or grass allergy in spring when I was a kid. Seasonal allergy got way better for me over the years though, and without really taking medicines, but with electronics I have not seen any major improvement over the same span.
Peter I understand that there is some movement globally, otherwise why would companies take the effort and cost to do the above.
I hope so!
I remember when I was told in 2013-2014 that it is impossible I feel flickering from flat panels because they DO NOT flicker. Then BenQ came out with the flicker-free monitors...
What surprised me is that they did not really cost a fortune...maybe because, as you guys are saying, there are other factors coming into play, like what you plug the monitor to, so manufacturers could not really say to have solved the issue 100%?