Hi All,

Since dithering is one of the reasons for led strain, I thought making desktop color-schemes 6-bit might help on 6-bit +FRC panels. I have a positive experience with this approach on KDE color schemes. Please see if this is of help to you too.


Take any of color scheme files from either /usr/share/color-schemes/ or ~/.kde4/share/apps/color-schemes and the save the following python script into a file named transform-color-scheme.py run as:

python transform-color-scheme.py < file.colors > file-6bit.colors

For example,

python transform-color-scheme.py < /usr/share/color-schemes/Breath.colors > ~/Breath-6-bit.colors

And then, import this new color scheme and use it, using "System Settings" -> "Colors"

I am neither an expert in designing color schemes nor an expert in dithering (LUTs etc.). So, please ignore any conceptual mistakes. Also, no offence intended to the color scheme authors.


import sys

def good_value(val):
  val = int(val)
  if ((val % 4) == 0): return str(val)
  div = int(round(val/4))
  return str(div * 4)

def transform(line):
  splits = line.split('=')
  var = splits[0]
  val = splits[1].strip()
  if(',' not in val): return line
  rgb = val.split(',')
  new_rgb = map(good_value, rgb)
  new_val = ','.join(new_rgb)
  return var + '=' + new_val

for line in sys.stdin:
  line = line.strip()
  if(',' in line):
    line = transform(line)
  if(line.startswith('Name') or line.startswith('ColorScheme')):
    line = line + ' 6-bit'