Retinal birefringence scanning
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Retinal birefringence scanning
Medical diagnostics
Purpose detect central fixation of the eye
Retinal birefringence scanning (RBS) is a method for detection the central fixation of the eye. The method can be used in pediatric ophthalmology for screening purposes. By simultaneously measuring the central fixation of both eyes, small- and large-angle strabismus can be detected. The method is non-invasive and requires little cooperation by the patient, so that it can be used for detecting strabismus in young children. The method provides a reliable detection of strabismus[1] and has also been used for detecting certain kinds of amblyopia.
Retinal birefringence scanning uses the human eye's birefringent properties to identify the position of the fovea and the direction of gaze, and thereby to measure any binocular misalignment.
Birefringent material has a refractive index that depends on the polarization state and propagation direction of light.[2][3] The main contribution to the birefringence of the eye stems from the Henle fibers. These fibers (named after Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle) are photoreceptor axons that are arranged in a radially symmetric pattern, extending outward from the fovea, which is the most sensitive part of the retina. When polarized light strikes the fovea, the layer of Henle fibers produces a characteristic pattern, and the strength and contrast of this pattern as well as the orientation of its bright parts depend on the polarization of the light that reaches the retina.[4] An analysis of this pattern allows the position of the fovea and the direction of gaze to be determined.
Binocular retinal birefringence has been used for diagnosing strabismus (including micro-strabismus) in young children, and has also been proposed for diagnosing amblyopia by detecting strabismus and by detecting a reduced fixation accuracy.[5]
However, also birefringent properties of the cornea and the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) are sources of birefringence.[6] Corneal birefringence varies widely from one individual to another, as well as from one location to another for the same individual,[7] and can thus confound measurements.
The fovea of the eye is surrounded by a distinctive pattern of birefrefringent fibers that change the polarization state of transmitted light.
The fovea is the specialized, most sensitive region of the
retina that is aimed at the object of regard during fixation. It
is surrounded by a radial pattern of birefringent Henle fibers,
fibers that change the polarization state of light that passes
through them.
We suggest that when Fresnel’s laws are applied to the unguided oblique rays, that the cylindrical geometry of the blue cones in the fovea along with their distribution induces an extrinsic dichroism and could explain why the human eye is sensitive to polarization.
We have also found that, surprisingly, the rotating pattern is more regular and symmetrical with one of our two eyes around a more circular blue cone-free area, the dominant eye. Our results suggest that the polarization sense can provide important information in many areas that remain to be explored.
The short-wavelength sensitive blue cones seem to play a crucial role. We will perform most of our in vivo tests with only blue light, leading to contrasted blue-dark brushes appearing in place of the blue–yellow brushes observed in the presence of white light, as confirmed later by our model.
There seems to exist a triangulation between Blue light-polarization-strabismus (Convergence)