How do I know if I have a "bad" GTX1070? The registry tweak isn't working for me.

    Manu270891 I didn't know there were "good" ones. Everything after the first run of 970's is "bad". That includes the 950's (die shrunk), most 960's, and all 10x0's.

      Gurm so, how are the RTX 20x0 ones? I'm really considering to buy one if the banding issue is fixed.

      • Gurm replied to this.

        diop For the non-expert audience I belong to, is this trick supposed to work with any Nvida graphic card and OS?

          AGI I don't think so sadly.

          Make sure you've unticked "Use Windows Display Calibration" in the advanced section of Windows Color Management.

          reaganry Just Windows, but any Nvidia card? Then I would try to "recover" my Thinkpad after upgrading from XP straight to Windows 10, what a bad idea I had :-(

            AGI check out the latest on the OP thread- it seems like hit or miss with different cards. I'm running linux on my ccfl thinkpad, but it's not great.

            • AGI replied to this.
            • AGI likes this.

              reaganry ccfl thinkpad

              I would like to revive my Thinkpad T60 after I had the brilliant idea to update from XP to Windows 10. Just got a doubt I never asked myself. It is from 2007, so the screen cannot be but CCFL, can it?

                AGI i'm sure it is ccfl- no led backlighting until 2011+ i think

                • JTL replied to this.
                • AGI likes this.

                  reaganry Well Apple first used LED backlighting in 2008 but I'd consider that specialized.

                  It was in full force by 2010.

                  18 days later

                  diop I'll take a look at the fix later (Don't have hardware setup atm) but I can check if it's malicious.

                  EDIT: Oh this is the "banding" fix that we don't even know is "our" issue with modern Nvidia 9xx/10xx cards. Hmm. Got me excited for a sec.

                  Gurm as i mentioned in another thread, 960 is rock solid for me. Switched to it from 650 years ago with no discomfort.

                  Does Win 7 have dithering btw? Or is 10 forcing it only? (trying to understand my beef with win 10 😃 )

                  Disregard my post. I updated my CPU and Mobo so I had to switch to Windows 10 and it's fine. Started with 1511 build then upgraded all the way up, and no change. It is a bit brighter (more like, the color schemes are shit) than 7, but thats it, I always use 100% brightness and contrast anyway. I used the dithering registry fix too, just in case, but it was fine before that too (i had 10 on a secondary drive, but never used it much). I did install aero glass and win 7 theme + startisback though, which makes it more pleasant for the eyes, but I wouldn't say that its necessary, cause it was ok anyway. I also read that ppl claimed Win 7 had 252 252 252 whites instead of 255 255 255, but I checked it and found it wasn't true, even my XP has 255 255 255 for windows and stuff, and its like paper to the eyes. So I don't think that's an issue.

                    ASonic Great that you found a combination that you can use. I am still stuck with Windows 7 here...

                    Can you please let me know what CPU/Mobo/GPU you are using?
                    And where did you get the old Windows 10 build? Would like to try the upgrade approach as well...
