nVidia began with the same basic stuff, light blue light and what not, i think i just pass on them. I'm pretty sure one can not get a useful answer from them "big companies".
I was playing a bit with contrast/brightness/gamma settings and actually found that nothing improves with those. However i also noticed what i forgot to mention; there is also some sort of super-hyper crispiness in all these images rendered, or even the monitor screens, where content edges occur as contrast. Interestingly, altogether this looks really sharp, but not only that, but also gives the "objects" some kind of depth; one could also say some sort of pseudo-VR-feeling popping from the screen. Problem is, then, if i try to focus on the edges/contrast of these kind of content, for example some bright stuff on a black background, i loose focus; i.e. my eyes are not able to properly focus on them. That's another easy way to detect such a technique to be present.
Eye strain, foggy mind and what I found behind it
That is a decent way to describe it.
Makes sense and is most likely caused by this issue with your eyes and related depth perception problems - https://green-club.eu/wp-content/uploads/CET-51114-Investigating-and-managing-heterophoria-.pdf
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tsb Doesnt matter, its been discussed here a million times with no clear reason found. Simply new tech is different, but you only notice it if you have specific eye issues. At least in my case it was so. I dont have time in my life to figure out why that is so, as this has been going for years now. I was looking for a cure and this was it.
martin I found a source for 3M stick-on prisms. Did you try these? https://opticalproductsonline.com/index.php/category-listing/product/428-3m-press-on-prism-1-00
reaganry Thanx but actually i have no idea what are those I mean, if it is really an eye issue, then i better go first to visit a doc to narrow it down to my specific thing.
This week probably consumer protection will kick in; i'll definitely continue with them, because i simply cannot accept that new stuff (but not OLED) make such things to us and not to mention what then with people without issues. Or will this be again the same as many times before, that after some years comes a study finding it harmful on long term use, or whatever.
reaganry No and I would not. It needs to be precisely crafted for your own specific case. Otherwise it might do more harm than good.
tsb Pretty much yes. I have two more months of visual therapy left, but I have almost no symptoms by now. I can use my iphone 7 all day (in the past I had migraine after 10 mins). I was working on some friends 2018 macbooks and hopefully will be able to use one for regular everyday work soon. I need to wear glasses as one eye is weaker therefore the heterophoria is more pronounced (system prefers the sharper eye). You need to see a real and good optometrist.
Also if you do training, you have to have patience and discipline. Ive been told that by training as much as I did, I even overcompensated the problem by another 20 points, which was supposedly never seen before and is a useful reserve.
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martin Thanks for the article.
I have strabismus/squint myself (heterotropia).
From Wiki: "The difference between heterotropia and heterophoria can be easily understood as follows. With heterotropia, a correcting movement of the eye can be detected already by the simple cover test; with heterophoria, such correcting movement only takes place in the cross-cover test. People with heterophoria are able to create and maintain binocular fusion through vergence, and the cross-cover test purposely breaks this fusion, making the latent misalignment visible."
tfouto Yes, all of the new ones if I use them for too long without my glasses, which separate equally the work needed between my two eyes, and if theyre too bright compared to surrounding area, meaning theres no peripheral points to fixate my gaze upon. Also if I have a really bad day, I feel its not completely ok and need to take breaks. Ive been told it might not be fixed completely, but the difference now is huge and Im willing to go on with some alternative and more specific exercises once the main therapy course is done.
diop yes, fusion is the crucial word. The new tech probably does not allow for as easy a fusion as the old one.
tsb Maybe because as you have noticed, the new tech makes somewhat of a 3d picture, even of a very little depth, and that creates different inputs for each eye (as 3d is essentialy made only by having different input in each eye). People with heterophoria and related issues have therefore trouble making the image sharp and connected for longer periods of time.
Thanx a lot for your inputs, i'm definitely going to a doc then. Martin as you write about the issue, i begin to feel i really have this heterophoria or some of them variants as well.
I have an old article about parallax images, maybe it is also something similar, what happens to us:
It is still shame however, that not much we can do, actually the consumer protection didn't answer a single thing yet either, which is quite interesting. nVidia sad, that they will forward my issue to the related teams...
That's all one can do it seems...
Intel opened an initiative to figure out this problem. In the end, their engineers (an external QA team contracted for this) found that there was "no difference in output" between known-good revisions and known-bad revisions. So they gave up. I expect much the same from nVidia.
tsb i think there's some combination of factors going on that induce a fake 3d/parallax effect in certain people- like these http://magiceye.com
interesting they are promoting them as eye exercises..
reaganry God that thing is horrible to look at, just checked their FB site and some of the picures there are even vibrating for me! I think its very close, if not the one technique we have here about.
I was actually began to think, that they probably don't need any "animation", it should be doable on single still images, because i already made some screenshots before (from WoW) and i was pretty positive that the effect was still somehow there. I was just thinking how one could destroy or just lower this effect, e.g. antialiasing, sharpness-lowering, etc. I think i'll look into this some more.
There's one more thing, if the consumer protection doesn't react, i'll try the EU central consumer protection. I cannot just leave the whole thing behind anymore.
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martin The heterophoria you describe is then a separate issue beside your "one eye is weaker", or the "one eye is weaker" itself? I'm not sure i understand it correctly. Just asking, because my left eye is indeed weaker; having prescription glasses for that for computer use as well, but it disturbed me somehow and not using it right now. Is it generally possible, that this "one eye weakness" itself is not the only problem then? I don't know if i'd test around simply with the glasses for a while until i meet the optometrist.