LED Strain Tutorial
LED Strain takes on a minimalist approach to posting.
However, there are some tools available to creating your posts, available in a toolbar.

Function | Action | Key |
Preview | Returns view back to post while editing | 👁️ |
Attach | Attaches image to post by uploading through imgur | 📄 |
Header | Inputs header | H |
Bold | Sets selected text to bold | B |
Italic | Sets selected text to italic | I |
Quote | Quote the selected text |  |
Code | Sets the selected text in code format for easier reading / copying |  |
Link | Set a clickable link. Works on images as well | 🔗 |
List | Adds a unordered list with bullet points |  |
List | Adds a ordered list with numbers |  |
Emoji | Insert Twemoji based emoji |  |
Mention | Mention a user or post. If set, will notify the user | @ |
Headers of h1, h2, and h3 are centered
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
Header 1
Header 2
Header 3
Tables can be created.
The second row, |:-|:-:|
indicates the justification. Left-aligned: |:-|
, Centered: |:-:|
, Right-Aligned: |-:|
Lines can be created to help separate a post with either 3 underscores or 3 dashes.
Inline links [can be created](https://ledstrain.org)
to look cleaner
Inline links can be created to look cleaner
Images as well
[[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/lulyQtW.jpg]](https://ledstrain.org)

[[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/lulyQtW.jpg]](https://ledstrain.org) [[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/lulyQtW.jpg]](https://anothersite.com)

Links are colored either green or purple.
A local link
A external link
- Green indicate the link is internal and points somewhere within ledstrain.org
- Purple indicate the link is external and points out to the web
Touchscreen users will have a boundary around linked images to indicate this as well

We're here to help
If there's spam, or if you wish to split a discussion to a new thread let us know by flagging the post.
We can also help with adjusting tags or renaming discussions

Private Messaging

Internal private messaging was removed in favor of Zulip Chat, more info here and here