Sure, I'm a programmer in his thirties who spent pretty much all day long in front of screens since late 90s, if you include things like sitting in front of a television and play video games, then since mid 90s. So, heavy screen time exposure for 25 years. Of course the old devices weren't LED based, but I guess it's still not good to stare at any kind of light for decades. My first problems with computer usage has been a mild form of repetitive strain syndrome (RSI) in my right arm starting in 2015. I couldn't move the computer mouse with this arm anymore, so I had to switch to my left arm. I did some special excersises and it took about a year solve the issue, but my arm is pain free now. However, I still continue to use my left arm for the mouse.
In 2018 I had my first eye problems with computer screens, television and smartphones. It was very slightly at first, just a little eye fatigue in the evening, but it has gotten progressively worse over the years. So of to the eye doctor I went and he (plus three other eye doctors that I visited in the last years) told me, that my eyes were dry and that this is quite a common problem for people who spent their time in front of screens all day long. He (and all the other eye doctors) told me to use (preservative free) eye drops on a regular basis. I started to use eye drops 5-10 times per day and a gel for the night and it mostly solved my problem with the dryness, no more irritated, itchy or red eyes. However, the drops didn't solve my eye strain from LED screens. That's a pain I feel in the back of my eyes after looking at screens for some minutes (started in the hour range). I know some of you have a set of specific devices which works and which doesn't, but I wasn't able to find any device that doesn't give me eye strain, except for my ebook reader (E-Ink display). During COVID-19 pandemic my eye strain got so intense, that I seriously had to do something about it, otherwise I couldn't continue with programming. Therefore, I started online research and came to blue light filter glasses.