AGI About three-four years ago a company opened a new store i the town where i live, they had led lights in the roof. After 15 minutes in the store i could feel tension headache. Not long after that a new restaurant open in a central galleria, they had also led lights in the roof. My girlfriend wanted to try it, unfortunately i had to leave the restaurant before i was finished and got long tension headache. That sucked.
Same with cars, i have friends that have newer BMW, Volvo, Audi etc. Just sitting in the passenger seat and avoiding the screens also gave me tension headache after a while.
When i have trained with one eye i have done it for one or some hours on a day. Not a whole day, its a little bit uncomfortable. And repeat on that for some days to get results. Because it works on me, maybe it works on somebody else with same/similar symptoms.
I have tested a lot of things under the last nine years. In the end i think the solution is to relearn how the brain controls the eyes, and then we are back on one-eye-training.