I've been struggling really bad the past 4 years, the only screenI can use is my HTC vive and 3 weeks ago it was so bad that I just put a YouTube video for 2 seconds the. Just listen to it with the screen turn off

Well I just found the solution!!! Get artificial tears and use them a lot!!! Eventually your eyes will secrete less natural tears and you might woke up with the driest eyes ever but keep it up while not watching screens and in 5 days you go back to screens and using lots of artificial tears while working, yesterday I played Animal CROSSING FOR 2 hours straight and a month ago it would have been impossible!!! Srly ppl this is it!!! Spam the tears hardcore and you will eventually get your freedom back!!!, also when coming back to screens starts with the ones that hurt you less, you'll be surprised when you will actually be able to use the ones that hurt you before, I fact the iPhone I'm using , the XR was terrible for me out of all the screens did hurtes me the most and now I'm writing this with no pain, there is hope people!!!

    If that works it suggests supplementation with lots of fish oil could work. Have you tried that?

    I don't see how artificial tears do anything for subconditions like photosensitive epilepsy.

    I'm glad you feel better, but I'm really annoyed with all the "false hope" that comes with workarounds for conditions such as this.

    kammerer Are you stating that based on fact or assumption?

    To answer this as a question from a somewhat reputable source:


    Are Lubricating Eye Drops Safe?

    Lubricating eye drops are generally safe to use as often as you need them if they do not have preservatives. Eye drops with preservatives have chemicals that are designed to keep bacteria from growing in the bottles once they are opened.

    Artificial tears can have side effects, such as blurry vision. It is also possible to have an allergic reaction to the medication. Symptoms can include itchiness, swelling, breathing problems, feeling dizzy, or feeling sick. If you see any symptoms like this, stop using the eye drops and see a doctor right away.

      Ferrero64 are these eyedrops miotic in any way?
      Since you just as everyone else here most probably have some degree of heterophoria, miotic drops constrict your pupils, creating larger area of focus, which makes heterophoria easier to handle (eye movement and eye focus have easier time to meet). However this kind of drops is also poisoning you in the long term.
      However miotics are usually prescription only, but I do not know your country of origin.
      Make sure to get checked for heterophoria with a proper optometrist (hard to find).

      4 days later

      For me personally I would find Animal Crossing a straining game because it only runs at 30FPS. Low FPS will dry my eyes right out. If it stays locked 30 I can tolerate it. If the FPS keeps dropping from 30 all over the place my eyes won't feel good. I stay away from the Switch because it has so many issues with FPS and dynamic resolution. They do so many tricks just to get those games playing on the system. The new Xenoblade game drops to 378P resolution in handheld mode. Docked to the TV it's 540P hardly any monitor could handle that low resolution and look good. Sounds like a lot of eyestrain๐Ÿ™‚

      No, it's only my opinion.
      Dry eye syndrome indicates some kind of problem in the body. And ignoring this problem will only exacerbate the situation. I myself had big problems with dry eye syndrome, only regular and prolonged sport exercise (walking, runing, cycling) helped me - at some point the need for drops just disappeared.

      As I understand there can't be 100% suitable eye drops for every man because each person has individual tear composition (produced by body). And drops composition could be very close to your one but not exactly. Seems that ultra-regular use of droplets can lead to degradation of the lacrimal channels and eyes, and they in turn exacerbate the problem (again only my opinion). It's good to use them but don't forget to find root of your problems.

        6 days later

        I am sure you are right. The trick is to be patient and wait for few months to see the effect. However, you have to continue forever and will be safe as long as you use PF drops. By experience, even you feel good and stopped lubricating your eye you will be back to the same issue after months.

        11 days later

        the solution is to buy a screen with a native contrast ratio of less than 1000:1. this includes TVs, Monitors and mobile phones.....thank me later ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

          DiscoDave I Have read on this forum couple people mentioned it. I have checked my monitor which never made me any problems EIZO FS2434 and it has 1000:1 contrast ratio but the TV which cause me eye strain and headaches is 4000:1.

          5 days later


          I also found that regular exercise (running) helped with my headaches, I also got dry eyes and have perscribed drops from my doctor, I ran 3 times a week and it seemed to help me but then I stopped as it was pretty much constantly raining at the times I would normally run and now things have gotten worse for me.

            As far as I remember, I solved my problems with dry eye syndrome in 1.5 years (or maybe 2 years), but at first my exercises were irregular. I usually did less exercise in cold weather and my condition worsened at the time. The recovery process in my case was non-linear.

            Depending on your condition, in addition to physical exercises, I would also recommend guided meditations: meditation on loving kindness (especially this meditation), compassion and others. Among other factors, they allow you to be more stress-resistant in the long term. Perhaps at first it is better to use audio recordings of such meditations, you can record them yourself using some text or find someone's record on the internet.
            (Take into account your current state - this is important! I tried to do these meditations in the acute phase of my problems, sometimes my condition got a little better, sometimes a little worse. At some point, I postponed my meditation until the time I could do it. Then when I got a little better, I went back to them).

            Yoga-Nidra can also be useful, as it also allows for deep relaxation.

            13 days later

            I thought of asking here, since the initial message talked of eye drops.

            A month ago I visited a new eye doctor who prescribed me drops with diquafosol sodium as active ingredient. I was a bit skeptic because the previous ophthalmologist had told me that I do not have dry eyes. Anyhow, with ups and downs I noticed an improvement of my condition during the first 2-3 weeks. Afterwards, a feeling of burning eyes developed. Initially it was limited to minutes from pouring the drops, but within 10 days my eyes would become red and would pour tears continuously for a couple of hours after using the drops, making reading nearly impossible. Today I went back to the doctor, who told me that my eyelids are inflamed. He prescribed anti-inflammatory drops to be instilled 10 minutes after the drops for dry eyes.
            Due to the language barrier, I could not fully get what caused what. Has the diquafosol sodium caused the inflammation of the eyelids or is it just a coincidence? Anyone experienced inflammation after using drops for dry eyes? I am a bit worried. Thanks!

              AGI I'm using drops 2-3 times per day but I have never had any side effects from it. Inflammation hm? I have heard from my optican that some drops cause some problems to some people maybe the one you are using are not good for you..

              • AGI replied to this.
              • AGI likes this.

                Luki99 Thanks. That is my fear, that I have been taking something which does not "suit" my eyes. The question is why did it work in the beginning? I never get a plain explanation when it comes to my eyes!
                I will see if betamethasone sodium phosphate 1 mg helps. Maybe my new condition, blepharitis, is due to else and I can cure it whilst treating my dry eyes.
