Hi bought this high end LED bulb - Opple 4.5w 400lumen 3000k - that says it is flicker free.
I could not detect anything with my 240fps phone cam.
However I am still getting a lot of strange effects like dizziness, wired, stimulation, vibratory feelings, and some mental debility.
Even after buying a premium flicker free warm LED light that is only 400 lumen bright I'm surprised I still get so dizzy and buzzed from it.
Can you guys give me an idea what could be causing this?


    I'm pretty sure its still flickering. Sometimes 'flicker free' just means high frequency flickering. Something like 500hz might not be visually perceptible. But, our brains have been demonstrated to react to light sources flickering up to 10,000hz.

    Maybe it's the spectrum - it is probably White LED technology, which is a blue LED on high intensity. I'm still waiting for "purple chip" LED bulbs, but it seems they aren't sold yet.
    With a camera you won't be able to detect all flicker. You must know, all those LED bulbs have some flicker. Mostly it's 100/120 Hz. It can be very small so that you'd need a photodiode setup to reveal it. Trust me, it is possible that super tiny flicker can trigger symptoms (own experience).
    Those LED bulbs can have all sorts of flicker. Wavy, rectangular, noisy. 100 Hz, 20 kHz, and whatnot. It's a gamble, and even the "flicker-free" ones do flicker. The lists of "flicker-free" bulbs on some webpages are not accurate. I bought some of those bulbs, and they do flicker in some way or the other.

    @yeutterg said that someone in the pro-incandescent community believes that the lack of IR in LEDs is to be blamed. See his posts on the subject at this link.

    Yesterday I entered a meeting room with LED overhead lighting to make a phone call. I kept only one raw of lamps on, away from me, and it was okay. Then I stupidly walked around and spent a few minutes right under the LEDs and afterwards I got neck tension and feeling of sand in my eyes. Neither swimming reverted the situation, when it normally soothes my symptoms. They lasted until the day after. It does not sound possible, I know, but that is the way it is for me.
