Sorry for the dramatic title, please allow me to explain.
I currently have a Panasonic VT60 Plasma TV that I can watch with no issues. The bedroom TV (old 1080p Sony LCD) was being replaced and I decided to try OLED since it's supposed to be plasma's successor. Within 5 minutes of watching content, I couldn't focus on the screen. Both viewing content and gaming gave me the feeling of light to moderate motion sickness/vertigo. I tried tuning the motion settings and also completely turning them off. No help. I tried kicking up the brightness to stop PWM (pulse-width modulation). No luck. I have no idea what made that TV unwatchable for me. Color temperature was also addressed.
I returned it and gave LED backlit panels a try with the Samsung QLED Q80. While the effects were not quite as bad, it was definitely enough for me to feel uncomfortable watching content or gaming. I had some of the same effects from the OLED, but just not quite as pronounced. Again, I tried various brightness, color, and motion settings.
This all leads to my anxiety/depression. I took it for granted that whenever my Plasma dies (Thankfully not yet), I could buy a new tv with no issue. Now it seems I will not be able to purchase a new TV because the 2 examples I've tried so far don't work. This meant I wouldn't be able to game like I do, enjoy tv with the family, etc... To add to that, I don't know what the common ground is that makes these panels so rough on me. I thought it was OLED, it's not. I thought it was LED backlighting, but it's not. (my relatively cheaper LED computer monitors are not hurting me).
My only guesses are PWM (pulse-width modulation), BFI (black frame insertion), or the 120hz refresh rate. I just don't know.
IF ANYONE can chime in on this, I would greatly appreciate it. The last depressive slump I had took me years to get out of, and I'd love to find a logical explanation for what is going on.
I'd empty my bank account if a company would make Plasma again. I wish an electronics company would start a crowd funding event for it...