hey i'm new to the forum, glad i found it because my problem is kind of weird. It appeared a few ago, namely I have a problem with looking at the steam interface and using microsoft consoles only xbox one and xbox series x. When I look at the steam interface there is a dry eye feeling, a headache, strange stimulation, similar to xbox. The same effect is also found in Steam games, but only when I have steam HUD options in the game turned on and when turned off I have no symptoms. I don't have such problems with any other interface like uplay, origin, epic etc and I have no problem with non-steam pc games, ps4, xbox 360 etc. But I had a similar problem with the switch lite screen. I don't know what might be causing this. Anyone have any ideas what might be causing this? This is really strange to me and it doesn't make sense.
Steam interface and Xbox problem
EnigmaZ100 Welcome - your symptoms are not unfamiliar to us. All of us on here have some variation on these symptoms. You're lucky you can use a PS4!
Some fixes, maybe:
There is - if you search for "steam" - a discussion thread about locking Steam to an older version of the interface, which I've done with success. I don't have it bookmarked, but we don't have so many threads about Steam that you shouldn't be able to find it.
Microsoft introduced an update to the OS of the XBox - which I assume corresponds to Windows 1607 or later - back in October/November 2018 (the XBox lags behind desktop Windows 10 by 12-24 months) which made it much harder to look at. Again, installing the an older OS and locking it there makes the system usable again. This of course will NOT help with a Series X or even an XBox One X. I suspect only the original XBox One will be downgrade-able this far, but I'd be interested to know if you have any success with an S or X. You might! Start with this link:
- The switch handheld screens cause a lot of issues for people, and it's not possible to really keep a switch at an older revision because the games eventually stop working - Nintendo are kind of jerks about this - if you don't upgrade. My switch (Rev2) was PERFECT up until the system update just before Christmas (12/2020) which seems to have made it worse - I can still game for 20 minutes but not for hours. I'm hopeful that the new hardware revision will bring with it usability again, but it's such a crapshoot. I cannot use any OS on the Switch Lite screen for more than a minute or so without strain. You might be out of luck on this one.