Regarding auto-brightness: I think it can be very good and worth a try. I actually had an iMac for 5 years and didn't really have a problem with it (unless I manually turned up the brightness then the white parts become very unpleasant to look at) until I bought a mac pro and kept using it connected to each other which then disabled the auto-brightness on there. My iPhone 7 is also a huge problem for me but after I turned the white points down and set it to night shift and brightness = 0 I am not doing so bad again. I can actually stare at it up to 10 min as opposed to 30 seconds before I changed the settings. So after the mac pro/imac, I switched to a cheap Samsung monitor and my eyes got way worse from there on even with brightness set to 0. I'm on asusMX279h now and it's not so bad until I start playing blizzard games where the parts of the map that aren't explored yet are completely dark and hard to see.
So should I get the BenQ with auto brightness adjustments just to try it out for all your sakes? or no? lol should I just go with the one you guys say works?