BenQ GW2760HS
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The EW2750ZL. It's a lot better than the GW2760HS but I'm thinking of returning it anyway because it still puts more strain on my eye than the EW2440L. No headaches or eyegraines but the muscles around my eye tighten up more and my eyes got redder. I'm using the EW2440L now again. It could be a brightness issue, it is brighter. Or something else, I really have no idea. In any case my monitor explorations are over. It's back to the EW2440L and my plasma TV until something better comes along... Someday....
degen Now I bought an EW2775ZH. It has a good picture with much better uniformity of light, but it's still too bright for me at brightness 0, contrast 0, and on top of that in "dark room mode".
It turned out the newer "Blue Light Plus" modes didn't help at all. The OSD's white doesn't change when selecting such a mode, which tells me the modes don't change the backlight diodes, like some reviews suggested.
I'll stop buying new monitors, too. Until some promising technology shows up.
This review clocked the brightness of the EW2775ZH at 0% at 32.6. Higher than the pcmonitors review of the EW2750L which they measured at 19 cd/m². Difference in measuring equipment or difference in panel?
I kind of wish I had gotten that monitor instead. I'm stuck with the EW2750ZL because I didn't return it in time. I didn't realize I could get the EW2775ZH shipped to Canada reasonably from the US.
I have been using the EW2440L without AMA on and the motion blur is really bad. I have been having nausea that is triggered by rapid movement in the background of 3d games which is something I've never had before.
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Muscles around eyes are still tensing badly. After a couple of hours I can't keep my eyes open as the lid muscles are dysfunctional and squeezing my eye shut. Forcing through this phase causes more problem that only manifest the next day. Heavy pain in the muscles around the eye that takes days to fade. My pupils are huge as well and that seems to correlate well with my symptoms.
I need to go back to the plasma until my eyes heal up because I have been pushing through. Switching to Windows 7 did make a big difference though and for a while I thought I had actually found a fix that would last.
My rankings are now:
Panasonic ST60 (plasma, would be perfect except it has extremely high input lag. no good for multiplayer games at all) -> BenQ EW2440L -> BenQ EW2750ZL (too bright) -> Some Dell CCFL -> BenQ GW2760HS (way too bright) ------------> iPhone 6s (completely useless can trigger bad headaches quickly, I will not look at it for even a few seconds)
KM No, I didn't buy it yet... Sorry, I'm still using MacBook Pro Retina. By now the Macbook looks bearable (at the brightness of 6/16).
Many people have been 100% cured by switching displays. PWM has been gone over to death here but we tend to forget that so many people switched to a PWM-free display, were fine, and never posted again here or in the Apple thread.
All of those things you mentioned are important for those of us who still have symptoms. After all this time all we basically still know is 'Intel graphics are bad, and use Windows 7, here are some techy theories why that's so'.
In that case changing display's is one of the only variables we can affect.
I purchased GW2760HS and EW2440L based on feedback from this forum. I love them! The EW2440L is more flexible in terms of adjusting the brightness and contrast levels.
ensete Agree.
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KM I'm back to using the EW2440L after a break. It's still the best non-plasma display I have and the only display practical for doing office work or input lag sensitive gaming.
The ghosting is insane without using AMA so I would probably use it myself anyway even if it did add a bit to the eyestrain.
Wish I had something new to add but at least I am functioning, sort of. Now I'm just worrying about getting a back-up GPU.
I am so confused at why the muscles around my eye get so tensed. The light doesn't seem offensive in any way and I don't have any pain. Eventually though I can barely keep my left eye (worse side) open as it feels like it is being squeezed very hard. Other muscles in my face and the side of my head will tense up as well, more so on the left side as well.
Persists for a long time after too.
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It is. It's manageable however. I just wish I knew the cause. The only thing that was been suggested that I haven't tried is ICC profile. Even with all my complaining this is my best setup and would highly reccomend it to those who are sensitive to brightness, PWM, dithering, GPU, and OS.
@Slacor It could be useful to have the ability to do a short signature to give a quick tldr of posters sensitives and best setup. What do you think?