hayder1983 You can see if a bulb flickers or not by clicking on the "Product fiche" link on Amazon (for countries in the EU) near the energy label. Search for the values of Pst LM and SVM at the end of the document, for this Philips bulb the values are Pst LM = 1,0 and SVM = 0,9, which means that the flicker is strong.
For a flicker-free bulb the values should be near Pst LM = 0,01 and SVM = 0,01 (for example this bulb : https://www.amazon.de/-/en/GreenAndCo-Filament-Light-Dimmable-Flicker-Free/dp/B01E7FM3GW?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1)
You can find flicker-free bulbs on https://www.derlichtpeter.de/en/light-flicker/market-tests/, you have to search for CFD: <1%, FfT