• Lighting
  • Flicker Free LED Lightning it's the most important thing! Which one to buy?

hayder1983 You can see if a bulb flickers or not by clicking on the "Product fiche" link on Amazon (for countries in the EU) near the energy label. Search for the values of Pst LM and SVM at the end of the document, for this Philips bulb the values are Pst LM = 1,0 and SVM = 0,9, which means that the flicker is strong.

For a flicker-free bulb the values should be near Pst LM = 0,01 and SVM = 0,01 (for example this bulb : https://www.amazon.de/-/en/GreenAndCo-Filament-Light-Dimmable-Flicker-Free/dp/B01E7FM3GW?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1)

You can find flicker-free bulbs on https://www.derlichtpeter.de/en/light-flicker/market-tests/, you have to search for CFD: <1%, FfT

    insta42014 Well this is very strange. My eyes are not revolting with the philips LED. Perhaps there is a reason my eyes accept a lot of the cheaper LEDs i bought years ago and only a few of the newer ones. My eyes are totally ok with halogen lamps, we have them in the bathroom and actually like them. 100hz seems fine for my eyes, HUE(1000 hz) not so much. Perhaps these Phillips bulbs are more like 100 hz? 312hz laptop screen is super hard to watch for me, 1000 hz is better. But everything could have more than one reason, perhaps i mix up things.

    I also ordered this one(data sheet below), which seems to be 100.000 hz. There is no value for Pst LM and SVM, but i will try.


    But i would prefer flickerfree, i just ordered 5, thank you for your suggestions ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I found that list not to be as helpful as it first seemed. The bulbs I bought after studying the list flickered, perhaps because manufacturers regularly replace their bulbs which different wiring. Ironically, the worst LED bulb I have, by far, is an "FfT" GreenAndCo from that list. It makes me feel sick, disoriented real quick. It has no fixed frequency - instead, the frequency seems to change rapidly, producing a noise. For me this is not a bulb but a weapon. How they can sell something like that and put a "flicker-free" sticker on the box is a mystery.

    I could just use my eizo as a superexpensive LED Panel and place it facing the wall ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Most important thing is that my eyes dont twitch and dont dry out from the light. Worst case i keep using the flickery philips bulbs or halogen, because my eyes somehow like them. Perhaps 100hz halogen flicker is easy for my brain to filter, because it is slow enough?

    a month later

    So i tried Green&Co, Tungsram and phillips and not one of them i can use for longer time. Phillips hue white are the worst, only phillips hue white & color are bearable but i prefer to not use them if possible.

    I have halogen lamps here from osram(e14 classic 700lm 46w) and really like the light, but after 1 minutethere was a smell of burnt plastic. It is actually not possible to use any of my lamps with halogen, because they all do not support 46w. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Have to buy a cheap lamp that supports that, amazon has some.

    I ordered these one too, 2700K, they have a flickerindex of 0 and are cheap. German manufacterer. They also have a 4000K bulb, but it has a flickerindex of 0,3, soooโ€ฆ 2700K it is ๐Ÿ˜‰


      hayder1983 Please report back your experiences with these Paulmann light bulbs, since that would be awesome if they would work considering that they're cheap and I also reside in Germany, because Waveform sent out an email telling previous internationals customers that they are pondering raising shipping charges ๐Ÿค”


        Seems like hue white and color is using 100hz PWM with a flicker index of 0,3(if they didnt change sth). I find that good to know, because i find them barely acceptable, so flicker index of 0 should be less strain?! And it seems like my eyes like 100hz flicker more than 1000+hz flicker.

        I will share when i get the paulmann LEDs. ๐Ÿ˜‰


        hayder1983 i will try those too. Alexa compatible and a flickerindex of 0. I need 2 of those for my living room, if they are more acceptable than hue, i find the price acceptable. This is a small german manufacterer it seems, i never heard of them before, but worth a shot.

        EDIT: I wrote them very politely asking them why it is only 0 and which frequency they use for their PWM. Perhaps they will enlighten us ๐Ÿ™‚

        EDIT: I also wrote Paulmann. They are both german manufacterers, i think they will answer. Lets see and wait.


        seeker_of_no_light Paulmann light bulbs arrived. I used them for a day, just for ambient light behing my monitor. Very nice. Nice color temperature, light does look a bit like an old light bulb(not exactly, but close). And they really have very little flicker(at least to my eyes). Better than any bulb i tested so far. I will test the e27(3,5W and 5,5W) for the kids room.



          hayder1983 thanks for the update. Interesting indeed. I'm really satisfied with my Waveform light bulbs, but I definitely will try to give these a try, not only are they basically gifted to you, but I would love to have something along the lines of 200 to 400 lumen, because having an option to light my transparent DIY monitor experiments during nighttime would be nice and unfortunately all of the Waveform lightbulbs are way too bright to my eyes for that type of usage ๐Ÿค”

            seeker_of_no_light I ordered a flickermeter. I think it only can go up to 100/120hz, but it is enough for light bulbs and measuring lux, flicker index, flicker rate(it calculates everything according to description). I ordered it to sort out flickery/defective LED light bulbs. I will try it on my new lightbulbs and share afterwards.

            I have a small Lithium Iron Phosphate battery and a 12v DC Floodlight that I use connected directly with clamps to the battery. It SEEMS pleasant but I can't test it with a flicker meter or anything.

            From what I understand, the USA ban includes rough service bulbs too ๐Ÿ™

              ryans From what I understand, the USA ban includes rough service bulbs too

              That's awful. I wonder if it'll include christmas lights.. I'll have to check that.. but that aside, you can order rough service from Amazon Canada. And barring that, other countries through Alibaba, etc.

              Flicker of my hue light bulbs(color and white). 2712 nits spikes. 100% brightness.

              My best led is from 2015. I only have one of it(Osram). Even the "bad" IKEA bulb from 2015 is better than anything new i have in my flat. Tested all of my light bulbs and lightings. Some of the old LEDs are ok, all new ones are super-flickery. ๐Ÿ™ No wonder my eyes are hurting all the time.

              I will test green&co at the weekend, didnt return them until now.

              ryans I do not believe that is the case, rough service bulbs have a higher efficiency rating which falls under the required efficiency rating

              a month later

              Hi everyone! I'm new here, but have been bothered by flicker for many years. I've finally had enough and decided to do something about it.

              Thanks to @hayder1983 I became aware of the Opple Light Master and created a resource to help everyone find genuinely flicker-free light bulbs (and other products in the future). Have a look here: www.flickeralliance.org

              What really surprised me is that one of the best-performing light bulbs I've found so far is also one of the cheapest. And it's from IKEA. They released this new series of light bulbs about a year ago and most (but not all) of them in the product line are genuinely flicker-free. Check out their press release here.

              I would love to hear your feedback, what I can do to improve the site, what other products would be useful for you to have tested, etc.

