- Edited
I have a new theory I discussed with my eye specialist. There is a chance that, since most people with binocular vision dysfunction (BVD) have eye suppression (one of the eyes is not active most of the time, usually the weaker one, brain suppreses input from that eye - its open, but the input not registered; you can test that with brock string), the flicker of the displays does not allow for such eye suppresion - it wakes up the weaker eye all the time, forces you to actually use binocular vision (which is impaired compared to majority of people), and thats why your issues manifest.
As compared to the past, the old tech allowed for eye suppression to be present. Reason for my theory is that when treating BVD, sometimes a machine is used that flickers light at certain frequency in order to wake the weaker eye up and force it to be active.
Naturally solution is the same as has been so far - vision therapy and treatment of BVD. However this would explain why the tech of the past does not cause issues to manifest - it allows for BVD to continue by not forcing the suppresed eye to work.