
  • Jun 22, 2024
  • Joined Nov 4, 2021
  • Hi everyone!

    Have some updates.
    It seems I have slightly adapted to the phone. It is still with me, and I can use it about 30 minutes daily (with breaks) with little or no symptoms. Adaptation happened starting from spring.
    I generally read messages, call, take photos or browse webpages without much troubles. Scrolling still is harmful for me, so I avoid reading, using apps like TikTok or watching videos.

    The effect on blood vessels is still visible and remarkable if I use the phone for prolonged period of time. Red blood vessels, pressure, and inflammation later.

    I use phone with the bunch of TPU screen protectors I mentioned before.

    I see this a a huge victory. The difference between 'can't use tech' and 'can use tech somehow' is drastic.

  • Lutsiliy Thank you! I appreciate your post and that you reached me. Unfortunately you are in minority with this opininon.
    I won't be active on both forums anytime soon, especially on 4pda, for obvious reasons.

    • JTL Thank you!
      I posted links to fund I know for long and for webpage created by Ukrainian International Airlines with links to different funds. Also an official website was created just now by Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: https://war.ukraine.ua/
      There are options to donate through one of the biggest Ukrainian Banks (Monobank) and also to National Bank of Ukraine directly.
      I also do encourage to double check links and see if there are some links from the sources you trust (provided by your local communities etc)

    • Dear Ledstrainers,

      some of you know me, I am an active member of this community in recent months. I invested a lot of time and efforts into dealing with our common eye strain problem but now I faced something so much worse and I do believe this community can help.

      I am Ukrainian. A few days ago I woke up from the sound of rocket bombing in my home city, one of the biggest European cities. While I was trying to get into safety, I saw a long horrible speech made by the Russian president. He is on the quest of destroying Ukraine as a country and occupying what is left. If Ukrainians will not surrender (and we won't), he will definitely go towards more and more horrible and massive military actions, with no regard to people's lives. People are dying, cities are being destroyed, full-scale war is going on. Most of my friends and family are hiding from the bombs, some are surounded in cities while Russian military destroys living buildings, others are fighting desperately.
      Russia tries to collect 'Russian lands' and create a huge authoritarian empire back.

      We are living now in historical times in the worst sence possible. An enormous country with top military power decided to occupy one of the biggest European peaceful countries. Right now Russians holds hostage Chernobyl (yes, THAT one). If there is no one to stop Russia, things can go very bad for all the modern world.

      How to help Ukraine:
      Spread the information, ask goverment of your country to help Ukraine. Join mitings or show your support.
      Sign the petition to close the sky above Ukraine

      Donate to SaveLife in UA fund Direct link to donate
      More links to help: https://how-you-can-support-ukraine.super.site/

      Official website made by Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with information and ways of donation:

      I know that this post goes against forum rules but I hope it will not be deleted.
      Emergency times require emergency actions.

      • Here is how I understood it from reading (and as there is limited information on the internet and I do not have firsthand experience fighting dithering, my understanding is limited).
        Temporal dithering is a general name for color creation through flickering pixels.
        To increase the number of colors that can be displayed on the screen, screen manufacturers use FRC, which is a form of temporal dithering. The number of colors is advertised value, is a part of screen specifications and doesn't change. So FRC, if used, is tied to the screen itself. Now comes the tricky part, I do not know what is technically responsible for FRC (if it is created by electronics within the screen or by drivers/GPU). I do not know if it can be turned off somehow. But anyway FRC should come and go with the screen. If you replace 6 bit + FRC screen with 8 bit screen, there should be no FRC with the same computer and same settings.
        But there still could be temporal dithering, created with different intentions, by GPU manufacturers or OS developers. It can be used to make the image better or make the user experience more even within different screens and hardware. It will not disappear with the change of the screen.
        I do not know how temporal dithering in form of FRC and other kinds of temporal dithering interact with each other, if they are shown together or not.

        • JonnyT White point have little to do both with PWM and with this software problem that comes with update, it helps with another issue

        • Business-Eyes Are you sure you're posting this in the correct thread? It seems post was intended for another topic

        • martin As I wrote, based on all the evidence, it is highly unlikely that there could be one single underlying cause or one single underlying mechanism - BVD including.
          For example, PWM influences healthy people, while leading to a similar set of symptoms.
          Jen doesn't know a lot, but it is temporary, I believe she will have much more data over time.

        • Lol. Manufacturers are not doing anything anyway, they need no excuses as they do not know about any of the problems except PWM.
          Taking action requires, well, taking action. There's no organization, no workgroup, no team of superheroes who can do this instead of the very person who has a problem.
          You have the problem with flicker, you collect the evidence and you contact manufacturers, review sites, journalists, you organize other people into a workgroup etc. There's no other way.
          I do not see how the existence of other problems or eye conditions can prevent flicker sufferers from resolving the flicker problem.

        • pjw_ All my old Samsung Notes were good, everything in stores last autumn was bad. It's hard to say something about origin, I checked a lot of phones that were in retail stores, so presumably, all of them were intended to be sold in Ukraine. But in my particular case, I can't blame the region as the sole reason. If those screens were so bad for everyone as they are for me, there would be millions of complaints.

          When people purchase Chinese phones on Aliexpress, they can face the very same problem with those phones.

        • There was an interesting idea to check where is the problem using PCoIP protocol, that transmits a pixel perfect Remote Desktop to the client. I am not sure how to apply it to your situation as it requires a safe setup for a test, but thought it is worth mentioning anyway. All flickering that is created by the screen itself will not be transmitted.

        • pjw_ This is an interesting theory and I keep thinking about it.
          Generally, Eastern markets are definitely treated differently than Western ones. But the questions are, is it true for screens (are screens actually different) and does it makes screens worse. It seems that at least with my phone problem, expensive and nice ones are worse than cheap Chinese ones. That might indicate that it is some improvement or update in technology rather than a sign of a bad screen.
          I checked Lenovo Legion 5 reviews in English on Amazon, on the Lenovo website, and bhphotovideo.com. No complaints look suspicious, but statistically, there could be not enough of them to draw any solid conclusions. What are other places to check?

          • pjw_ replied to this.
          • There are some theories and hypotheses about the causes of eyestrain and other symptoms.
            Based on all the evidence, it is highly unlikely that there could be one single underlying cause or one single underlying mechanism.
            It would be nice to have all the theories in one place, so here is an attempt at systematization.


            1. Neuroinflammation
              Jen's website flickersense.org
            2. Binocular vision dysfunction (BVD)
              Martin's website about heterophoria
              Cannot explain all the cases. Example
            3. Brain activity
              Post with the articles
              Epilepsy thread

            Medical phenomena that might be related
            Photic sneeze reflex

            • One more.
              Updated one of my iPads (iPad 10.2 2020) to iOS 15.3 and it was terrible.
              They screwed up something with dithering. Even on a black background, it became difficult to concentrate and read the text. I am not even mentioning a white background. Judging by the fact that many people did not like dithering on the first versions of iOS 15, but everything was ok for me, I conclude that they update the dithering algorithms one by one for different devices, and not for all devices at once. In general, it's good that I could still roll back to 15.2.1

              • Deepak Can't find any negative reviews, and there is a fair number of reviews. Either this model is better or still not enough customer reviews.

                Still wondering where are all the reviews in English, which has around 1.35 billion speakers.
                I was able to find only 2 complaints about iPhone 11 (technically more but few of them were written by the same person). And a few more on MacRumors. And I easily can find 20 in Russian (about 260 mln speakers).

                Maybe there is some place that is not indexed by Google?
                I also wonder what happens in the Chinese internet, it may hide a lot of interesting information.

                • pjw_
                  Hmmm, nice question. Checked all Lenovo models.
                  It seems all of them have Nvidia, except this one:

                  Mrak0020 The same crap. Eyes hurt (cut) after holding a laptop for more than half an hour. Notebook Lenovo ideapad 5 14are

                  I do not know what modifications of this model are available, but I see it with AMD in different marketplaces.
