Is the surface of the monitor glass like an apple display or just a glossy polarizer film?

    chahahc Not sure. How may I tell? It does not have a matte appearance, that's for sure. Yet I don't see glare from it unless the sun is low in the sky and shining directly on it from a low angle.


      That's a good question. I'll just message SVD with that to confirm.


      At the risk of pestering you with more questions, could I ask if the RLCD monitor is viewable through polarized sunglasses? It would seem intuitive that a display originally designed for outdoor usage would be polarized in a way that would make it viewable while wearing sunglasses. But in my experience there doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason in the polarization direction of LCD displays. In the early days it seemed VA panels were horizontally polarized and IPS panels were usually vertically polarized, and thus viewable through sunglasses, but nowadays it's a crapshoot.

        chahahc I don't mind questions. It is viewable through polarized sunglasses. The image goes dark if I turn my head to the left, but is still visible if I turn my head to the right.


          That's interesting. If it was vertically polarized then tilting your head 90 degrees both to the right or left would cause the image to go dark. But if its only in one direction it might be that the polarization is at a 45 degree angle, which could imply that it's a TN panel, as those are the only panels that I've seen with angled polarization. Does the image go full brightness and full darkness when you view it at opposing 45 degree angles?

            I watched some of a video reviewing this monitor because I am curious. One thing I found interesting was, one of the things the reviewer tested were 2 games.. one of them had tearing, and the other one did not. I found that puzzling because he hadn't changed anything on his system afaik and I don't know what the reason could be and you would expect the behaviour to be consistent and it was not. I have a theory about input rates, but in that scenario it would be consistent with everything.

            @degen Have you ever noticed this effect of tearing with motion, esp if it's the whole panel like a game like Civilization or something?


              I tested again and the only way the image goes full darkness is if my head is tilted the left 45 degrees or tilted the right 135 degrees.


              I never noticed any tearing at all playing a game with lots of motion (World of Tanks) either full screen or windowed. That's only one game I tested though.

                I play games pretty regularly with this monitor and so far I also haven't noticed any screen tearing. Also tried screen tearing test videos on YouTube and don't see anything, but I am not sure how reliable these are.


                I see thank you. That would suggest that it's a TN lcd panel. The only 32" 1080p TN lcd panel listed on panellook is this one But it's 120hz and discontinued. I wonder what made them go with TN over IPS or VA.

                Edit: Nevermind. Looking at MyDeepGuide's review it looks like the pane is BGR, or maybe BGGR or BGWR. It doesn't look like it's listed on panellook. The only 32" 1080p reflective panels listed are from Japan Display Inc, and they're either RGGB or RGBW subpixel configuration.




                  chahahc I have invited Sun Vision Display to join us on the discussion here.

                  a month later

                  I would like to know the proportion of people that still have visual problems with this TV, that replaces the backlight with sun light and how many of us have this issue solved with this replacement. Let´s tell us about your results.

                    RobC I have owned this monitor for half a year now. My eyes have been feeling quite good recently, but I can't tell you whether that has anything to do with the monitor as few other things in my life changed since I purchased it. For instance, I bought flicker-free Waveform light bulbs which I believe have possibly contributed way more to my eye health improving than this monitor, since the dozens of light bulbs I tried, be it halogen, incandescent, fluorescent, and LED have more and more resulted in a very uncomfortable and eyestraining and headache-inducing chore.

                    However, what I can definitely say that improved due to using this monitor is the fact that my upper inner eye muscles ('musculus obliquus superior' if you are curious) are very relaxed these days for the simple fact that the monitor is large enough for me to sit far away from it (pretty much like 3 meters / 9 feet), whereas these very muscles have become permanently very tight for squinting at my 13 inch Dasung Paperlike Pro for over two years. For this reason, I consider the SVD to be more comfortable than my Dasung even though the latter obviously has better contrast (of course this isn't an issue for the 25 inch Dasung model I suppose).

                    There's one moment where my eyes strain slightly with this monitor whenever it gets darker before the sun is completely set outside making the contrast worse, but that disappears immediately or can be circumvented if light is turned on before the contrast becomes too low, that is, I really turn on my light 30 to 60 minutes sooner than most other people in my neighborhood.

                    I also used to feel discomfort when I had sunlight cast directly onto the monitor and always made sure that reflections and glossiness were minimized. However, lately both these things haven't bothered me at all, but I really can't tell you why, but it definitely makes the picture look really nice on the monitor.

                    Well, that's my experience, others may differ, and even though things aren't perfect with my eyes (a week ago I tested my old Samsung Galaxy S8 again and its PWM was pretty quickly uncomfortable to me), I can still say taht all in all I have been thinking less and less about my eye issues lately, which is a mental state I really hoped to return to again ever since my issues got worse again three years ago.

                    P.S.: for anyone who wants to know about the color depth of this monitor, the Nvidia graphics settings only allow me to select between 6 and 8 bpc, therefore I assume this monitor doesn't support more than 8 bpc.

                      reaganry I was away for about 3 weeks and did not use the monitor (until today), but up until that point I have been very happy with my SVD monitor. In about a week I will update my impressions, since I am starting to use it today from an "eyes relaxed" perspective. This should hopefully be more accurate.

                      I'm starting to become more interested in this.. the other day I got another visual migraine in the morning, and I think it was in part triggered by too much sunlight reflecting off the metal in the kitchen sink (basically a mirror effect). So, since I've been seeing a lot of negative afterimages on my regular monitor the last few weeks, I know an RLCD doesn't solve the root cause which is in my brain, but a reflective surface rather than an emissive surface sounds like it could be more comfortable because it's not shimmering quite so much.

                      15 days later

                      I'd like to share my poor experience with SVD's customer support:

                      1- First they quoted me $700.00 USD for shipping the monitor to Switzerland. For a 26 lbs (12 kg) package. At this point that's straight up theft! So I ordered using a shipping company in the US that would then send it to me for $50.

                      2- After a few weeks, I came across a post mentioning the EIZO FlexScan monitors. I have been struggling for many years with led strain, mostly because of light intolerance issues. That's why I ordered the SVD monitor but very thankfully, the EIZO monitors solved my problem with its ultra-low backlight.

                      So naturally, I wanted to cancel my order with SVD. I asked them that and they wanted to charge me a 15% restocking fee, even though the order was never shipped. That didn't seem legal or fair to me. Their T&C mention the restocking fee in the case of returns but not in the case of cancellations. After a couple of bad faith emails from them, I asked Paypal to intervene. After a few weeks they ruled in my favor and I received the full refund.

                      I can't speak about the quality of the monitor but I can be sure that this company has terrible ethos. I had contact with Caleb and David S. who's their Business Development Manager so it's not a problem with just one person. Be careful of SVD!

                        jmadier This is terrible to hear, but what I could gather from Reddit is that other people mostly from outside of the US also didn't have that positive of an experience and apparently SVD has completely stopped selling the monitor to people outside the US.

                        jmadier That is unfortunate behaviour coming from this company. Related, I talked to Caleb on the phone a few weeks ago, and told him about the discussion we were having here, and invited him or someone from the company to join in. It’s too bad they didn’t.
