Hey, Just recently found your forum.

Changed my GPU from a > DVI GTX 1070 > HMDI RTX 3070

Now my eyes hurt like crazy after only a few minutes.

Changed screen twice.
Im currently running a AOC 24G2ZU 240hz IPS screen.

Win10, fully updated.
Nvidia driver. 511.65

Any idea about whats wrong?
Thanks in advance and i highly appriciate any help!

    Is the best fix buying a new AMD gpu?

    No, the general opinion here is that AMD are as bad or worse.

    Have you tried your original video card back in to ensure it's the card and not a software update?

    Sold the old card im afraid ๐Ÿ™

    did reinstall windows, tried diffrent drivers, tried new screens. ๐Ÿ™


    You can try the following:

    Open NVidia Control Center and set color depth to 6 bits per channel, instead of 8.

    (this way you will disable FRC)

    • AGI replied to this.

      Color depth for 6 bits isnt always an option in the control panel but it may be if you have multiple screens. As in each screen may offer different settings.

      My 1660 super on a Benq TN only offers 8 bits, but it doesnt have FRC (so it says) - its a GL2480E

      My LG offers 10 and 12 bits (I think, its not being used now)

      You can try setting the HDMI output to limited.

      OR if you're using display port switch to HDMI or from HDMI to display port.

      But it may be this is just how it affects you and there is nothing that can be done.

      Hello Guys,

      I am also experiencing similar issues with new Laptop screens. I have bought Macbook pro 14" 2021 and that screen BURNED my eyes completely over a few days use. after that i could not look into that screen any more than 30minutes at a time. Changed all possible graphic options. Now i have Legion 5 pro and it also has sRGB 100% screen with  2560 x 1600 resolution. And this Screen also has very similar effect. It does not matter if I use it directly or connected to external screen i still get EYESTRAIN. I have other older pcs like Elitebook 850 g5 and this does not give me that effect even though its a terrible screen. Can you tell me guys what is causing this? I feel that this new color gamma is killing my eyes. how can i disable it?

        It feels like its better when im only looking with one eye, but its hard to tell.

        I changed my screen back to my old BENQ 2720z, since the ips panel wasnt any better.

        Logixoul. I dont think its posible to change, screenshot:

        So now im using exactly the same setup that I was using before, exept changing a founders 1070 to a not founders 3070.

        Its so strange, I could sit by the computer for 16h straight for days and never had an issue.

        Went and had my eyes checked, they said I had perfect eyesight and my issue prolly was eye fatique.


          Literally what this forum is, most people on here will have exactly the same issue but no one knows 100% why.

          It does seem that some people have a visual issue where both of their eyes dont function well together, a binocular vision issue (i believe it is called)

          Other people seem to have a neurological issue and / or migraine issue and are more affected by the various flickers modern technology exhibits, be it PWM or some sort of color space flickering to mimic a higher color space.

          Some people may have both.

          My advice, try a poor color reproduction screen, try an older screen. Something flicker free but TN as they are usually not very bright. BUT if it is the graphics card / nvidia / intel / AMD then it could be a driver issue, or just how they are now.

          I have many machines I cannot use due to similar issues.


          It may be the card operates in a way you cannot tolerate, you may be able to get used to it or you may not. Make sure its not making the screen much brighter than before, I had that on a laptop where the external screen was a different brightness on that laptop but everything else it was dimmer - not sure why.

          Try limited color output in Nvidia and maybe lower the brightess in the nvidia control panel as well. Also, you can try on your monitor set the brightness / contrast to what you normally have, but then set the R G B color values from whatever they are now (say 50 each) down to 25, this will dull the color brightess somewhat. - worth a try.

          ALSO, be very very sure the card is fitted 100% correctly in the PCI-E slot, fully seated in there, not slightly out etc, I also assume your PSU is adequate for the cards requirements. Both of these things could have a negative impact on how its working. (trivial but worth mentioning)

          greddy what is ur vga card rtx 3070 brand? i use rtx 3060 ti gigabyte and kills my eyes. Before that i use gtx 1660 super ino3d and that perfect for my eyes.

            So just to be sure. The color settings are on sRGB? Is Windows on HDR mode?

            Windows is not on hdr mode.
            Im currently using sRBG settings on screen.
            RBG settings in Nvidia.

            @logixoul I just tried to upload a printscreen where it shows in my nvidia setting that I cannot change colordepht output to 6, only option is 8, tho my screen seems to be 6+frc.

            @HAL9000 My screen only operates in 144hz with dvi or displayport.
            I think the change from dvi cable to displayport was the big thing for me.
            Tried sevral displayport cables just to be sure.

            Ill try turning down the colors, but I've always played on full digital vibrance with pretty high sharpness.
            Now im running 75% and no sharpness.

            Thank you guys from all the help, speechless!

            mike i think ita a little better but i dont know. What it means if it does look better?

            After using this monitor 2 days i see on all monitors badly. Eyes still recovering

            Both macbook 2021. 14โ€ and legion5 pro rtx 3060 feels that they have much brighter colors and more vibrant. And that feels bad for my eyes

            My 3070 is from a LEGION computer, that I bought only for the graphics card. Read alot of shit about legion, maybe thats the case.

            Tried gaming for aprox 2h now, i feel almost dissy ๐Ÿ™
