what advice can you give for strain and dry eyes due to pc work?
e-ink monitors don't seem ready / too expensive yet.
Do glasses that filter light have sense?
what do you do?
what advice can you give for strain and dry eyes due to pc work?
e-ink monitors don't seem ready / too expensive yet.
Do glasses that filter light have sense?
what do you do?
In this case you have to try out multiple monitors particular ones branded as being eye-safe, then either use the one that doesn't bother you or at least not as much, and if necessary cover the eye which causes you more problems. I tried a blue light filter that can be placed on the monitor, but unfortunately I didn't notice any difference for me, but it's still worth a try (however, as the optometrist I attended told me, research is currently rolling back previous warnings for blue light, that is, it is potentially still bad but not as bad as previously assumed, but I haven't looked that up though).
My last suggestion is to build a transparent monitor, if you feel adventurous in tinkering with electronics, have the time to assemble it yourself, and don't mind spending 50 or so bucks for custom made plastic or 3D printed plastic to hold everything together (some architectural planning is necessary though). You can only use it during daytime in front of a window, but it's totally worth it if you want a relatively cheap option if artificial is your health-related issue.
ciaoragazzi best option I and can think of is to buy an older gpu and use that, I use a 1650 super that works well with my eyes, plus I can play pretty much any games,
ciaoragazzi Ink monitor?!!
I have been in this forum for several years. I got some help by reading but also some methods that waste your life time and your money.
Myself i tried Ink reader but had the same issue of eye hurt.
First, you have to find your problem by experiment not by taking theories from this forum. Some people here still think some color enhancement methods make the problem without giving a solution. They don't have to be right.
I succeeded to identify the causes for my problem and now i am using my phone, tablet and computer for whole the day without any problem.
I hope you are not the guys who only interested to show others that they lack the understanding of the problem. I know it's broad not a specific solution but i am sure that good percentage of visitors here have the same as mine.
I didn't solve my problem in one day. My problem started slowing before 2010 and became very annoying in 2013. It lasted till now in terms of not tolerating some screens. It does not matter if it is a phone, tablet, laptop or monitor. All can give you the same problem but generally the smaller size is more tolerable. Most of the people i met having this problem solved by bluelight blockage plus brightness/ contrast and sharpness reduction. But and but, if you do all comfort setup and your room lighting say fluorescent light like such that a bluelight emitted, it would not help. The eye hurting from ambient lightning is something you need to consider before anything. I did two experiments and i can confirm that. That been said, monitors have different bluelight intensity even if you use more filter than a a previous comfortable setup. You might have a monitor looks like super warm using f.lux for example but doesn't help as another monitor which looks like normal color range(not much BL filtered).
I adjusted some other parameters, monitor size makes difference.
I would advise anyone to investigate thier problems and see if the bluelight is the main issue.
I wasted my time before thinking these things like dithering and pwm are the issues but they are not. It's about the electronics and intensity of the light for a particular monitor. Those people who is having sensitivity from color algorithm if any are supposed to be low percentage and one should not assume he has the same thing.
I can't recommend devices here but anyone who has the same issue can contact me privately to give him more details for phones or laptops that worked perfectly without issue. Also what the parameters that you have to change before using to get almost normal picture without any eye issue.
Note that, some people who has bluelight sensitivity can feel some burning around the eye skin or face too.
For those who have headaches only, i cannot provide any solution for them.