Hi All, I tried the above method and all other found on this forum, neither does help me...

The horror started 1 year ago when I decided to renew my Acer aspire 5750g from 2011 to the new MacBook pro retina mid-2015. Previously I only had severe eye problems when I was kid and I was using CRT monitors (it was like 10 years ago). My eyes would really hurt only when playing some games which reduces refresh rate to 60 Hz. Otherwise I hadn't any issues with any of the screens. During the time I changed couple of laptops, I used dozens of external monitors and all was fine, till I bought the new Macbook. The pain, blurry eyes, migraines starts after 3-5 minutes of watching to retina screen. I tried all the available options (flux, lowering brightness, changing color options, lowering resolution, etc.) there without the success, so decided to sell it and buy a laptop with screen having lower resolution, no-PWM (hopefully) and much lower PPI. The HP spectre x360 still caused me headaches, but this time after ~30 minutes of staring at the laptop. The only way of using these two laptops was attaching them to external screen. I use different screens from different manufacturers (at my home, at parents home, at work, mainly Samsung's and DELL's they have IPS LED panels, I also used old ViewSonic, even the old SAMSUNG PLASMA TV as a monitor) and neither of them caused me issues with my eyes.

Recently my eye doctor told me I have a mild astigmatism so I bought glasses with eye-protecting coating. This helped me see better with my right eye, but it did not solve issue with the screens.

At work they also have been changing laptops and I had to make a decission what laptop to buy. I needed an ultrabook (as I work with clients a lot), so I told them to find a laptop with matte screen and low resolution and bigger screen (I think 13' is too small), but good other spec's. They bought me a HP EliteBook Folio G3 FullHD matte. Unfortunately this one causes headaches, migraines etc. too just after looking at it ~1h (yes, I changed resolutions, disabled intel hd 520 drivers, used IRIS software with 100% brightness, disabled dithering, changed fonts, etc.). The only thing I haven't tried and actually could not try is the old Intel drivers as this is a new laptop and the oldest driver seems to have been causing eye strain problems to people. But I am not sure if this is a problem to me as people on https://communities.intel.com/thread/53309?start=225&tstart=0 thread say they have problems on external monitors too, but I am having an eye strain on the built-in monitor only, no problems with external ones (no matter how bad or good they are, I even not had any problems looking into my friend's DELL UHD screen - we watched ~2 hours movie). Do you think this might be the cause?

Talking about mobile devices - I had couple of flagships including "the best screen on the market at the day" and it did not cause any issues to me most of the time (I have been watching videos, reading books, texts, messages,etc.). The only time my Lumia 930 caused me headaches is when I played a city-building game which had a lot of details, which seemed to be too small for my eyes. I stopped playing the game and all went well. I thought this might be the issue on the laptops too, but lowering the resolution should have help me, right?

I am really happy that some of you guys find the causes of eye strain and been able to use your led devices. I will still be waiting for INTEL's response on this and will hope it is the reason for the eye sore. In the mean time I will try installing Win7 and try generic VGA driver (I heard that Win10 generic driver seems to be causing eye sore too, but Win7 not).

    5 days later

    randomboolean Hi - I split your post into a new thread to give it a little better exposure (and focus)
    welcome ☁

    • JTL likes this.


    hi and welcome to the ledstrain forums.

    Many of your mentionend intel thread are also active members of the community here. There at the intel thread I'm threadstarter lucio.

    I also have a likewise tale of woe as you, however I don't have a "solution" for you. We're still searching for new ideas and devices which do not harm aus.

    Moreover its not only intel graphics which harm my eyes - I also get the bad eyestrain from tv's, smartphones, amd and nvidia gpus...
    But I got my first troubles with intel based notebooks and intel gpu's are by far the worst for me.
