Got my 14 Pro Max device delivered today. Unfortunately for me, the 14 Pro Max didn’t work out as the case was with 12 & 13 Pro max. After around 30-45 mins of usage, terrible eye strain, nausea & blurred vision. PWM all the way up to 100% brightness level it seems… So Regardless of PWM frequency bump for the 14 Pro’s , the issue still persists imo. Maybe different for others.

Right now SE3 and 8 plus are holding the fort for me. Great LCD displays, of course without PWM, resulting in no issues for the eyes whatsoever. Doesn’t matter how many hours you clock daily on these LCD display devices.

Tomorrow I will do another test with 14 PRo Max so as to be really sure and if it turns out to be same experience as of today, then I will return the device on Monday with a heavy heart (again like last 2 years in a row). Will update here the findings. I would suggest that please test yourself if you get a good return policy in place.

It's always worth a try, but the assumption that if one suffers from 240 Hz PWM, 1040 Hz PWM might somehow mitigate the problem may be wrong. The whole idea that there is a nearby threshold at which flicker would suddenly have no effects at all anymore may be wrong. I myself notice symptoms at 20,000 Hz, too. Don't let this discourage you from testing, but keep it in mind if you still have symptoms with 1040 Hz or higher.

iPhone 14 worked for me, no eye strain or headache. The hz is higher than the 13 is my assumption. Won’t know until notebookcheck releases the data, was told 1080hz is wrong on the 14, my eyes says different lol

    Ok, I give up! I tried the 14P for 2 days and today I feel really really bad!
    It doesn't cause me any eye strain but i am totally disoriented as if I had a fever!

      Lauda89 Hmm… interesting feeling. Maybe iPhone 14/Pro devices began using temporal dithering?

      From my experience, PWM and temporal dithering give different feelings.

      Lauda89 can I ask was it worse than your experience with the 13 pro max?? I’m trying to work out if it’s even worth me trying.

      Did the 13 leave you as disoriented as the 14?

        Keye21 I never tried the iPhone 13.. Because the iPhone X was an amazing phone, I can use it for 4+ hours per day with zero issues! So I've never tried to change the phone during the last 4/5 years!

        I haven't used iPhones in many years now but my mom has an iPhone X and I confirm what Lauda89 says that it's fine in passing. Though I remember when it first came out I didn't like it, so later system updates helped a bit.

        I would suggest making the font bolder (it's a setting in display & brightness). Apple changed the system font over the years to a thinner more spindly one, but I know I need more. In my e-reader I tend to lean toward fonts that are "Medium".. medium is the weight between regular roman and bold.

          tsb reducing white point made it worse for me, left it as is and at about 85% brightness

          I wrote an inaccuracy--the company phone is a samsung A52S ( I forgot the "S" in previous posts), and it is still a 120hz OLED! The PWM is low 230hz like the iphone X and the pixel 4a, so maybe i like the low frequency!

          Thanks for the video, It seems users back east are move interested in pwm rate for their devices. The owner of the video stated he may do English subtitles soon.

          Sunspark Hi, are you still using A70? I am still using it with Android 9, but the company i work for is providing a allowance for a new phone. I was thinking to take advantage of it.

          So for you, iPhone X is usable for everyday office work?

            Peter Hi, yes, still using it w/ 9. I wouldn't mind a new camera, but at the same time, this device is pretty great for me.. very stable, I have everything set up nicely. I could see myself continuing to use it another 2 years as-is. I'm glad I got a good case for it, because I've dropped it a few times.

            The X isn't my device, but yes you could use it especially if you put the brightness at 50% (and I also tend to be around there or a little lower/higher on the A70 too). The thing is though, even tho it's still supported by Apple, it's also now 5 years old.. so the camera would be 5 years old too.. I don't know that it's worth the bother.

            I also don't know why people here are so into Apple.. it's a walled garden that is locked down. On Android I can do whatever I want.. I can sideload apps, I have a file explorer, I can use video containers like MKV, I can use different web browser engines, I can change the icons, etc. etc.

              Sunspark Agree with everything you say.

              I would like to separate my personal from my business phone life because at the moment i use two sims in the same phone. I also prefer the Android ecosystem being more open, but for business purposes i wouldn't mind having an apple phone if this is tolerable.

              I also visit stores and to check out phones, Samsung A53 seems great. Every time i play with it it seems great. The display seems very easy on my eyes. I am thinking of getting it. Have you tried it?

                Peter I have not but I'll take a look. I would say though that if you have already looked at it a few times and it seemed decent each time you should trust your gut and go with it. That is how I found the A70. Looked at it on different days and it seemed fine each time.

                iPhone 12, with pwm around 250, gave me eye strain. Had to sold it…

                iphone 13, with pwm around 600, didn't give me eye strain, except when i was watching videos. But it wasn't a very agressive eye strain.

                iPhone 14 pro - waiting for the review from notebookcheck to know the pwm value. But i read across the internet values are high. Might try…
