AgentX20 stayed on 10 the whole way through.

tried various monitors but found the same issues, kind of frustrating which is why I think it could be the GPU

    Chrissoa1994 I was curious about whether your home PC setup was good before but now it's not, or has it always been problematic?

      Chrissoa1994 The turn of 2022 saw the issues begin

      If you're up for it, then I would reinstall Windows 10 to an older version to see if that helps. Note you will need to read up on how to stop the new install from auto-updating back to where you are now. There's info in some threads here at ledstrain.

      I run a older Windows version this way and it's much more usable to me than newer releases.

        Changed my monitor and amd card from full rgb to limited, will report back

        Chrissoa1994 yeah I will try!

        Search for discussions about installing Windows 10 version 1611, or even 1507.


        I have trained with one eye covered, so now I can use all screens with both eyes like a normal person. Before that I couldn’t find a screen newer than 2011 that worked for me. So a total game changer.

          mike I don’t understand how this works can you briefly explain?

          Which eye do I patch

          for how long per session of work? (Hours?)

          When do I stop patching

          • mike replied to this.
            5 days later

            Chrissoa1994 This is what I have done: Covered my right non-dominant eye. Started with one hour a day (behind a bad screen), and increased the time after a while. You can find more info in my older posts.
