Just want to share my experience with the Samsung S95B, which I got after the LG C2 OLED gave me too much eyestrain to feel comfortable in keeping it. I had previously tried the LG CX, which gave me more eyestrain than the C2 (so some progress at least).
The reason I wanted to try the Samsung S95B is that I, surprisingly, have no issues using the Nintendo Switch OLED model. The display is from Samsung and while it's a different type of screen, it's still OLED which I seem to suffer with otherwise. Right off the bat, the S95B produces the most beautiful picture I have ever seen. I thought the CX/C2 were nice but they don't come close to the S95B. Comparison videos on Youtube do not do it justice.
Initially, I didn't feel much discomfort using it but after a day or so, the same symptomps I had with the LG OLED's starting surfacing. Tried all the settings mentioned in this thread and after 3 weeks, I gave up with only a few days left in my return window. It came to a point where the S95B felt 80% acceptable, but I couldn't get myself to accept the discomfort I was still feeling.
I tried swapping the S95B for an LG mini-led (QNED86) to see if it's OLED-related after all. Mini-LED eye strain was on par with the LG C2, somewhat more intense than the S95B. On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 1 meaning no eye strain and 10 unbearable eye strain);
- LG CX - 8
- LG C2 - 5
- Samsung S95B - 3
- Nintendo Switch OLED (Samsung OLED) - 1
- ASUS VA Monitor - 6 (using with computer glasses is ok)
- iPhone 14* - 2
*Knowing it's a bit off topic but over the weeks I was testing various tvs, I also happened to buy an iPhone 14 when I was in the US for work. When I started using it, it gave me severe eye strain at pretty much any brightness level. Fiddling with settings, white balance etc. made virtually no difference. Since I had no way of returning it, I stuck with it and now after about 3 months, I can use it relatively pain-free most of the time. I didn't change any settings after all, allowed auto brightness and over time, my eyes did seem to adjust. This is leaving me even more confused as I now have two OLED-devices that I can tolerate, one that was fine out of the box and one that took a few months of adjusting.
TV-wise, I'm back to my LG 55UF850V. Hoping (QD)OLED technology continues to evolve and the manufacturers take eye-strain ceriously, beyond some flicker certificates. While I'm a bit deflated from having to return 3 TVs in a row, I feel a sparkle of hope due to my Switch and iPhone. If only there were retailers in the Netherlands that had extended return periods, up to 2/3 months ā¦
Let's see what 2023 and beyond brings for TVs.