As many knows on this forum, “I have trained with one eye covered, so now i can use all screens with both eye like a normal person”. That’s great! Sometimes (around 5-6 times last two years) with new screens I got tension headache. To solve that I covered my non-domination eye for 45-60 minutes, and after that I had adjust, and no more tension headache with that screen.

A month ago, I feld tension headache behind a new setup. That was a bit weird because I had already adjust to that screen. So I tried to adjust (one hour covering my non-dominant eye), but this time it didn’t work to my surprise. Not good news.

I trained more with covering my non-dominant eye, no difference. Still tension headache. Plus another problem: stiff neck, back pain, left thumb numb and tinnitus in left ear. So it's probably a nerve from the visual center that causes that, or how it happens.

So my new goal in life is to solve this.

After 2,5 weeks I tried something that haven’t worked before. I covered my dominant eye (instead of the non-dominant) one evening. The non-dominant eye is a bit blurry after a day behinds screens, and this training doesn’t feel as good as with the other eye. It takes two days with that training before I could tell it makes a diffrence, and I am adjusting. I took approximately a week of training before it works good with both eyes.

Conclusion, don’t give up! Try new things, and maybe you will find something that works.

//Mike from Sweden

Congrats on your success so far. But is this safe? Are you sure you aren't doing any damage to your eyes by using this technique? Can you also clarify the covered eye time to non-covered eye time during a standard 8 hour work shift for instance? Thanks.

    brvideo Congrats on your success so far.

    Thanks, and I hope some more on this forum will have the same success.

    brvideo But is this safe? Are you sure you aren't doing any damage to your eyes by using this technique?

    I have trained since November 2018, so almost four years since I started. Last two years I haven’t done so much training, because I don’t need to do it now. I have ask specialists, and they have told me as long it works keep up doing it. I would say it’s more safe to train with one eye instead of looking at bad screens with both eyes and get problems.

    brvideo Can you also clarify the covered eye time to non-covered eye time during a standard 8 hour work shift for instance?

    Start with an hour a day, and increase after some days if it works for you. I have wrote many posts about this, so look at my older posts.

    brvideo Thanks.

    Glad to be helpful!

    //Mike from Sweden

    It does seem variable in it's effectiveness. I have had stretches of 2-3 days where patching barely helps at all, then all of a sudden for weeks afterwards it works great again.
