pushupsandcode I had believed there was something special about Asahi Linux related to the lack of GPU driver, but now I agree that it is highly related to font rendering. MacOS seems fine to look at until I try to read an article. Then I can't focus on the text, and pain follows closely.
Sunspark It has been a while since I used this laptop, and my previous finding that it is worse below 50% still feels true. However, I am finding that above 50% is too bright. I would like to try it on an external monitor, but the HDMI port does not yet work on Asahi Linux on Mac laptops.
If I put aside the brightness issue, it is hard to say if it is better than a typical Linux setup. My gut feeling is that it's not, and there is no magic here.
All of my observations are complicated right now because I have new glasses, and it was silly of me to come to my earlier conclusions. I got overexcited. Still, I feel that others would have less eyestrain on Asahi Linux, guiding people in the right direction regarding finding a solution.